Thursday, November 18, 2010

Does Military Cover Car

CMD Bochum, Bochum dentist informed: Help with CMD,

Mental stress and stress
It is believed that about one in three citizens of the night at least once a week, grinding her teeth. The medical term life is (bruxism). This grinding or pressing is usually a result of internal stress and heavy psychological burden. In our society work and at home more and more among the services to be provided, what each of us temporarily or permanently is often under pressure. Many people use it as an unconscious gnashing of teeth Stress relief valve.

damage to teeth caused
The teeth are properly aligned by nature to a high continuous load. Our whole life must be food tageintagaus crushed in our mouths. Our teeth make it hard work indeed, but under normal circumstances, the teeth take astonishingly little damage. Of age-related wear and tear apart.
it comes but in the long run to an unnatural mechanical overload of your teeth can cause terrible damage. At first it comes to chipping the tooth enamel, - later for removal of tooth structure. The consequences are a toothache and sensitive teeth.

But not only your teeth damage, long term, other, other symptoms are experienced, such as headache, stiff neck and jaw joint pain. Frequent clenching of the teeth in connection with the above-described grinding of teeth is a recognized disorder of the body and is "CMD" as described.

How can the doctor help?
Do you recognize yourself in person again in this article describes symptoms and health problems, then it is very important that you consult a specialist very soon. At best a dentist who specializes in the treatment of CMD.

What can I do myself?
A healthy lifestyle, good high-fiber diet and regular exercise and learning professional relaxation technique are the things you can do yourself to improve your jaw problem permanently.

Please contact us and let us professional advice!

dent Dr. med. Günter deniers and deniers dentist Andreas
Specialists for TMJ and TMD problems in Bochum

more information about this topic, please be answered in a personal conversation: 44 phone 0234-53 30

Please visit our other websites:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Senior Flight Attendant

anger after birth, sleep deprivation, Pekip groups, mothers and child groups

lack of sleep can make you angry

have anger toward your child is an absolute taboo. Parents often conceal that which occurs. In speaking with anyone. The parents avoid talking to each other about it.

anger that is triggered by excessive demand and uncertainty with the message in itself: "Now I am strict but in such a way with my baby to do everything right. Why do I make it not enough to calm my child or to get to sleep? I have completely failed. " Discussions on these feelings and mutual understanding help you get to own a new anger and conciliatory attitude to deal with it.

anger often arises even when mothers are much alone with her baby and then feel increasingly isolated. It is important to look for in such situations, contacts with other mothers (maternal-child groups) with friends or other familiar people.

Important contact groups in Basel:

PEKiP offers near Basel, Switzerland

The following groups pastedGraphic.pdf and organizers pastedGraphic_1.pdf were found:

79585 Steinen-Höllstein








Basel (1km)

PEKiP-GL Sofia Wagner / physiotherapy practice




Basel (2km)

For parents with babies born between early October and end of December 2010




Basel (2km)

PEKiP-GL Yvonne Cacky Erismann




Basel (1km)

PEKiP-GL Ursi Calonder




Bottmingen (4km)

BOZ Bottminger Zentrum



79 576

Weil am Rhein (5km)

family center "Wunderfitz" eV




Riehen-Basel (5km)

Plavac AG



79 591

Eimeldingen (8km)

PEKiP-GL-Irene Hueglin Weick



79 539

Lörrach (9km)

Family Centre Association



79 589

Binzen (9km)

PEKiP-GL Heike Hainz



79 594

Inzlingen (9km)

DRC Inzlingen



79 618

Rheinfelden (15km)

Family Center Rheinfelden eV




Hebammenpraxis Even Niehoff / Meier




Rheinfelden (17km)

PEKiP GL Hinderer Julia




Müllheim (28km)

parent-child Initiative


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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Do I Delete Direct Tv

CMD Bochum, informed TMJ pain and TMD

How are the clicking sounds in the jaw joint?
By "wearing out" of the elastic ligaments in the TMJ, the disc no longer properly attached to the rod end. If all the teeth contact with each other, this cartilage disc is no longer in the joint space between condyle and glenoid fossa, but is ahead in the joint. The joint is compressed. Only with the opening movement of the disk jumps to the head. The first crack is heard. In the closing movement, the head jumps back from the disc. A second crack is heard.

When will it Knirsch-crepitation in the TMJ when chewing?
encountered with strong osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint noises auf.Sie this point to a very advanced destruction of the joints.

Why is there pain in the jaw joint?
The pain caused by friction of the ligaments in the joint. Since the disc no longer the forces intercept the tapes, including the nerves are pinched. Produced by this nerve irritation of the pain. Because of the anatomical proximity to the ear, they are often associated with ear pain confused. Pain in the jaw joint are one of the symptoms of TMD.

What is craniomandibular dysfunction, or TMD?
Temporomandibular Dysfunction (Temporomandibular Dysfunction, CMD) is an umbrella term for structural, functional and emotional dysregulation in the interaction of neck muscle masseter muscle and temporomandibular joint function. This dysregulation is often painful. In a narrow sense, these are pain in the muscles of mastication, the displacement of the cartilage disc in the temporomandibular joint (disc displacement) and inflammatory or degenerative changes of the temporomandibular joint (arthralgia, arthritis, osteoarthritis).

Why does it with CMD to neck pain and headaches?
The headaches are actually in CMD muscle pains of overworked muscles of mastication. Since chewing and neck muscles are a functional unit, tension in the jaw muscles lead to overloading of the neck muscles. The result is a painful and tense muscles resulting in the neck.

Is there a link between migraine and TMD?
migraine or unilateral headache is a neurological disorder that affects about 10% of the population. It occurs in women about three times more often and shows different symptoms. This is in adults typically characterized by recurring, paroxysmal, throbbing, boring and half-sided headache. Accompanying symptoms include nausea, vomiting, light, smell, and / or noise sensitivity. Some patients feel a migraine attack preceded by a visual or sensory perception disorders. But it is also possible motor disorders. occurs
In CMD often unilateral headache in the temples on. This headache is so confused with migraine. A diagnosis between both diseases is urgently required for adequate treatment.

Please contact us and let us professional advice!

dent Dr. med. Günter deniers and deniers dentist Andreas
your friendly & professional dental practice in Bochum Hernerstr. 367, 44807 Bochum

more information about this topic, please be answered in a personal conversation: 44 phone 0234-53 30

Please visit our other informative websites:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Compression Injury Of Calf

CMD BOCHUM information: temporomandibular joint disorders, www.zahndoc denial. de

Welcome to our CMD Bochum-service site !

patients with temporomandibular joint sounds, often accompanied by pain or discomfort seek, often in our practice settings.

Many have an odyssey through various practices themselves. Some have visited an orthodontist because they thought the orthopedist treat bone and joints. Or will the oral surgeon with major surgery, face of uncertain prognosis. Other patients are from the ear, nose and throat doctor referred to us because the radiating pain in front of the ear, no ear pain!

We have extensive knowledge and experience in the temporomandibular joint therapy.
Dr. Günter deniers studied at the "jaw joint university" in the Netherlands, Prof. Dr. Boering. Dentist Andrew deniers studied with Prof. Dr. Lotz in Marburg. Prof. Lotz habilitation on temporomandibular joint diagnosis and therapy and is now one of the leading Scientists in the temporomandibular joint.

Since patients are very concerned to make regarding the development and prognosis of temporomandibular joint disorders, we answer in the blog the future the most common questions.
Please check the detail at:

Or let us call to advise on!
Tel: 0234 / 53 30 44
your dental practice of Dr. med. Günter deniers and deniers dentist Andreas
Hernerstr. 367