Sunday, September 23, 2007

Big Kid Shoe Size Conversion

The pain of the stranger did not come out.

emergence of pain

The question of what pain is clear, but not with A few words of clarification. Usually the pain is a kind of warning of the body that something is wrong. However, it may happen that this warning system is not working properly and therefore it sends the wrong, from excessive or even unnecessary signals.
The pain may be to follow both a saving warning or a stressful, sometimes almost unbearable disease itself.
The most common cause of pain is that the body has an injury or illness reports and in normal pain intensity fits in about the physical problem, which it reports. When such pain respond to conventional painkillers it is assumed that it will pass in a few hours or days by itself again.
On the other hand, can cause pain and feelings of anxiety and stress. Severe pain after surgery can thus lead to a delay in the healing process associated with severe chronic pain Restrictions such as rheumatoid arthritis can lead to a significant reduction in the quality of life out of people.
Some people suffer from pain that recur regularly, such as headaches or menstrual cramps - in this case those concerned know from experience that this pain is unpleasant but pose no greater risk.
can in the short-term pain does not specify exactly when they are starting to be classified as chronic, because this is always dependent on the individual conditions. In general, however, talks about chronic pain, if they persist for longer than six months and either by medication or by surgical interventions to get to grips with are.
pain is one of the most painful feelings of the people and he can strike anyone. Whether as a result of a sprained ankle or pressing headache after a stressful day, there is hardly anyone who does not know this all-pervasive feeling.
But how does it arise? And why is there pain that go by quickly, while others do not stop?
neuroscientist and pain researchers try to answer such questions has long and often push their limits. Because pain is one of the most complex networked systems of our body. At its formation and processing are not only different Nerves and brain areas involved, but also different neurotransmitters, proteins and even genes. Only from their interaction creates our feeling of "aching".

Pain is an important signal for the human body. It is an expression that something is not right, and may even be life threatening. Therefore there is no particular sense organ for the perception of pain.
Instead of a sense organ of the body known as pain receptors are distributed. They perceive stimuli and transmit these via nerve pathways to the spinal cord. From there, they are chemical messengers, called neurotransmitters, to the brain. There, this information is evaluated and the man perceives aware of where it hurts. Now constantly running through pain stimuli, this system is that it after some time to changes in the involved nerve cells.
you react much more sensitive to process and even mild stimuli (touch) as "pain".
This means that the pain has lost its signal feature. Since the brain is extremely "teachable", it stores this abnormal pain signals. It responds from now on not only to external stimuli, but sends its part of pain sensations.
The original signal "pain" is a chronic pain become and has developed into an independent disease.

The history of pain sensation

was in the men of the past pain is emitted by evil spirits and demons, magic power that had to expel it. Medicine men and shamans were highly respected figures as they were there alone, keep the people from the influences of these spirits and demons, or, if they had already undertaken by a body owned, through various treatment measures, such as scratching the skin or trepanation of the skull, the spirits could pave way to get back to escape from the body.

the most striking findings of historical medical research is certainly the one that man before he got his ideas and findings in writing resign, dared Schädeltrepanationen (openings) on live humans make. Cranial findings show that even in the Neolithic Age, the Neolithic, especially among the aborigines of the South American continent and was trepanation in Europe with centers in France and central Germany.

for keeping or distributing Demons and evil spirits was the magic of amulets, talismans and rituals. It has also been excellent knowledge to operate the various plants and herbs, which possessed a pain and / or anti-inflammatory effect. These customs and knowledge can also be found today in many primitive peoples.
The use of analgesic mixtures was noted already in the writings of antiquity. We find in Homer's Odyssey..
" Behold, they threw into the wine, which they drank, a means benetzet gemischet against grief and anger and suffering of all memory of a Taste of the wine, this flavor, then the day it does not tear your cheeks ".

the time of the Greeks was the idea that the heart is the center of the senses and organs for the perception of pain. This marked Aristotle (384-322 BC). The heart as the" sensorium commune "-. (. 460-377 BC) center of intelligence and sensory perception

Hippocrates described the pain as a state of imbalance between the body fluids blood, lymph, yellow and black bile from him is the saying. "Opus est divinum sedare dolorem." (It is a divine work to relieve pain). Dried poppy juice was recommended after Hippocrates insomnia, fever and gastrointestinal symptoms.
was the discovery of opium and its effect of the first, probably accidental milestone in the search for painkillers. In medicine, opium was often used. Greek and Roman writers and physicians, but also the great medieval Christian and Arabic Encyclopedists reported in ever more sophisticated form of external and internal use of opium in various diseases. In ancient Egypt doctors took advantage of the analgesic effect of opium. In old, transport serving vases were opium residues are detected. These vases reminiscent in shape of poppy capsules, was between 1575-1367 BC. in water, wine or Honey dissolved opium exported from Cyprus in the Nile Valley.

Schädeltrepanation in the Middle Ages. Illustration of a tract of Guido von Vigevano (c. 1345)

In Christianity pain was understood as an expression of God's punishment for past sins or a test imposed by God. In the Old Testament is in Genesis (3:16):
. Many complaints I will impose on you in your motherhood In sorrow thou shalt have children . "
but also the potential treatment of pain is addressed, then in Ecclesiasticus (38:4-8):
" the Lord is the cure sprout from the earth ... it heals by the Doctor and bring the pain to rest, and the pharmacist will prepare the mixture "

René Descartes described in 1632 in his book" De homins (About the human being) the pain management of the limbs to the brain.
He claims that his spirits are "like a very fine touch, or rather like a very clean and very lively flame (...)", the nerves and muscles fill with warmth and stimulate them to move.
is at this point He first compared with the machines and equipment. For when our spirits our movements as breathing or blinking run without our human will, these movements evaluated individually and for all is good, this must be like a movement of a machine in which the word "automatically" plugged in there already. Descartes writes:
" This (the explanations of the movements of the animal spirits) will be released to those not surprising to know, can include many different machines or ambulatory machines produce the skill of the people, and this compared to the large number of bones, muscles, nerves, arteries, veins and all the other parts that are in the body of each animal, using very few pieces, and the view that body as a machine which, by hands made of God, incomparably better designed and admirable movement has in itself than any that can be invented by man. "
Until then, the pain was considered a physical process without any influence on the emotions (soul) of the person concerned . Descartes was first described in the context of pain perception, pain development and pain processing, the coupling of physical and mental processes.
Descartes described and drew a " observer in the brain .

The realization that the pain sensation own, but the body has several ways Duch, is still the basis of modern pain theories. It formed the basis for the "specificity theory" of ships, 1858, in which he described the pain as a specific independent of other senses sensory perception.
crucial developments and progress could certainly be achieved only in the last 200 years.
Milestones in pain therapy, eg the isolation of morphine in 1803 by Sertüner (1783-1841) were. Despite such improvements, the balance sheet treatment of pain have been negligible in our time, because the already existing facilities were not used consistently and in medical education, pain therapy insignificant role played.

The "tour" of the pain
Many doctors differ, therefore, not a layman in the contemplation of pain:
The cause of the pain must be found where it hurts.
It is often the vergesen the pain always a cause and a trigger added.
But still are not all "players" in the concert of pain known. Always rediscover researchers new, surprising relationships and interactions. Including the answer to the question woebegone why some of us than others ...
Chronic musculoskeletal pain, especially head, neck and back pain burden more and more people.
are often carried out during countless years somatic investigation and treatment without achieving a sustained improvement in symptoms. Some patients also suffer from a depressive mood and stressful fears:
fear of the future, fear of losing their jobs, fear of movement, "something to destroy the body," fear of serious illness, which was not recognized, to suffer or even end in a wheelchair.
This "fear" often lead to a closed and avoidance behavior, which worsens the symptoms and promotes a more ominous chronic.

The brain, an orchestra without a conductor

"How can it be that our intuition is wrong fundamentally, if you are the institution devotes
which it owes to - when it seeks to explore how our brains are organized?
If we imagine looking inward, we are in our head, a central instance on
work, which we identify with our conscious self and about
has all the wonderful skills that distinguish us humans.
Because this intuition so convincing, imposes so overwhelming, it is no wonder
that was in the course of art history always speculation about where in the brain
they have powerful and all-controlling authority is established. It must, then the
plausible assumption, given a singular place where all the information available through the
internal and external conditions on which decisions are made and the
be triggered from all actions. Even Descartes, the mental processes as
not to material processes Brain tied, but the parent as this saw the floating
res cogitans therefore none would have circumscribed area needed -
Descartes himself believed to not get along without a singular, localized instance.
The contrast between this idea and now the scientific evidence available
could hardly be more dramatic.
investigations of the structural and functional organization of the brain show,
is that this body organized largely decentralized and distributive, that run in it each
myriad of different processes in parallel sensory and motor subsystems
- and that it just not a singular center is that these diverse processes
managed ....
Excerpt from " The brain - an orchestra without a conductor , Wolf Singer
Thus, the latest brain research has verbtrieben the Cartesian observer from the brain, but the teasers like the pain is still existeth still not fully explained. The question of how the brain creates the universe of our Vrenunft is still left without an answer definitieve.

4 - D self-perception, "I feel, therefore I am" the conductor of the brain

Manu propria Kinesitherapie; Ideokinetische, cognitive behavior medical pain management strategies.
Bewegungsgeometirie The impaired body is often the cause of the pain Enste Hung. In order to restore the body movement geometry we have:

  • First the pain exercise 4 - D to learn self-awareness and to give the pain of a form. transform
  • The pain in one picture and so ideokinetischen idea to make him available for themselves.
  • Then with the degradation of already-and avoidance behavior by promoting self-activity 4 - D begin self stabilization of the joints.
  • relaxation therapies: Progressive muscle relaxation, post isometric relaxation of the muscles PIR.
  • TENS (pain therapy electrotherapy)
  • kinesitherapeute Different methods apply to reach physical capacity can be increased.
  • 4 - D own mobilization

Manu propria Kinesitherapie in whiplash

As Whiplash is defined as a violation of the soft tissue in the area the cervical spine, usually caused by sudden flexion and hyperextension, such as in a collision. Often this injury as a whiplash injury (whiplash injury) and whiplash syndrome (whiplash syndrome) is called. Correctly due to their etiology, the cause may also be called as a cervical sprain.

Some possible symptoms after a whiplash:

  • Strong painful neck and neck tension,
  • drowsiness,
  • dizziness,
  • hearing and vision problems,
  • headache or Migraine,
  • concentration memory and sleep disorders,
  • weakness, unsteady gait
  • ,
  • discomfort in the face, arms, hands, legs and feet.

The first cervical vertebra is called Atlas - he carries his head. Him of all vertebral bodies is of particular importance, since cause deformities or obstructions in this area far-reaching symptoms.

A movement restriction in the cervical spine, by an excessive movement of other Vortex regions are neutralized. This quickly leads to over-stress (non-functional loading) in all vertebrate areas.

The PIR-treatment method, it is a long recognized therapy where the patient is not passive but actively involved. One can compare the process of treatment with the operation of a computer. The muscles take over the roll of the keyboard, which is operated by the therapist, by exercising the muscles in certain places manual pressure and the resistance. The actual process of change and therapy is provided by the inner workings of the computer or the patient. 4 - D self-perception is the method which allows the patient the 4 - D self-stabilization and 4 - D own mobilization to take over the small neck joints.

act during a whiplash accident substantial forces on the spine and surrounding soft tissue (Fig. after Barnsley).

come thereafter, to over-stretching of the ligaments, compression of the vertebral joints, and possibly for spinal injuries.
Various studies have shown that the abnormal cervical spine geometry play in the formation of the typical whiplash complaints a significant role. Accordingly, micro-injuries in the small vertebral joints are largely responsible. Disc cracks, overstretching of the ligaments and injury to the shoulder and neck muscles can also cause pain and trigger a vicious circle. The movement is disturbed geometry of the affected people and the pain spreads through the whole body.

facet joint diagnosis of the cervical spine (red dots mark the Blockadeort).
points in the cervical spine, particularly change my atlas and skull joints play in many forms of therapy around the world have an important role. This joint is stabilized with many small muscles and moved. Advantage of the isometric relaxation of the muscles is a deliberate and predictable handling of these Muscles and with the patient.

The small joints between the vertebrae are called facet joints (spinal joints). Together with the adjacent intervertebral disc to form a highly complex joint unit, which allows the movements of the spine. Degenerative spinal changes, poor posture, can cause micro-injuries in time to chronic inflammation and arthritis of the facet joints.

studies have shown that these joints are a major cause of neck, head and back pain.
I try in my treatment method to achieve first stabilization of the neck muscles to secure the stretched ligaments. Later I try with the heat treatment and careful stretching of the neck and shoulder girdle muscles to activate.
I erzele the patient the story of Atlas and Titan urge him to make a thought screen.

The Titan Atlas, who had rebelled against the gods, had to carry a punishment of the sky. When he was too heavy, Atlas asked a question to be petrified. He promptly was transformed by the gods in the Moroccan mountains, which rises to over 4100 meters. And perhaps it has to do with Atlas' punishment and its failure, that the sky is so special about Morocco and the blue light shining so beautifully.

"Imagine your head for a ball would be moving to your first vertebra the atlas."
The patient shakes his head and I say: ".. This movement they have executed using the second vertebra, which we call the Axis try to tell me his head yes

The patient nods.
"This is the movement of the first joint. Nod on it and try to perceive the sliding motion in the joint."
The patient closes his eyes and tries to realize sliding movement to do after.
. "My head is too heavy for this movement is doing my whole neck Woe is me," says the patient and I realize:
"It is too early for that mental image. "
" they are your on your back and give her head in my hands "
try Then I have to move every single neck joint to the spatial geometry of the joint to restore.
" Imagine you would be in front of your neck a worm moves. Your vertebrae are the rings of the worm. Print the individual ring on my hand. "

Under my instructions are carried out kinesiology movements of the cervical spine and the patient leads them correctly without the burden of the head.
" Imagine your head would be a ball on my hands drehet. "
moveth The patient's head in my hands to the left and right, forward and backward.
"Did you feel the pain move?"
"No, just the tiredness."
The patient sits on, and nodding his head.
"He is now light as a balloon."
"Now they have their heads in the first joint moves."

I try in my Bechandlung to motivate the patient to the 4-D self-mobilization.


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