Saturday, April 19, 2008

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HIV vaccine

Despite intensive research is not yet an effective HIV vaccine are known or developed. This leaves the prevention of infection remains the only real protection against HIV infection.

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Hopes of a cure for AIDS or a vaccine against HIV have so far not met since the HI-virus can not be completely removed from the body, although some weeks are formed after infection defensive substances (antibodies) against the invading virus. Today, there are indeed improved treatments for HIV infection and AIDS symptoms - but its effect is limited. Therefore, the prevention of infection with the virus is to be the only protection against AIDS. This can also avoid the effect by estimating their own risk, and adjust their own behavior. In addition to the routes of infection but are also the means of protection against the virus very well known.

is also important to avoid unnecessary worries and fears and prejudices are broken down so that a climate in society without exclusion and devaluation of infected or sick will be strengthened.

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The therapy or treatment options to date

- with AZT (azidothymidine), a nucleoside analogue was in 1986 for the first time a drug is available that inhibit the replication of the virus.
- 1996 promised a combination therapy (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy), consisting of a protease inhibitor and two nucleoside analogues to reduce the virus concentration in the blood of patients to undetectable levels. As a result of antiretroviral therapy, AIDS has changed from a fatal to a chronic disease.
- Drug Prophylase Post-exposure (PEP) to HIV-risk contact the implantation of HIV infection in the body or prevent yet. It should be as soon a doctor should be consulted to obtain advice and, where appropriate, a post-exposure prophylaxis to perform, since the best results are within two hours after the event to be expected. After 48 or 72 hours is generally recommended PEP no more.

Experience with PEP are still not comprehensive enough to make reliable and comprehensive information about the effectiveness.

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HIV testing

After HIV infection after 2-4, made a maximum of 12 weeks in blood antibodies (substances) against HIV. These can be detected indirectly by using HIV testing and HIV-antibody tests. The HIV-antibody screening test (ELISA) test has a diagnostic window - the time between infection and detectability of the occurring antibodies - three (3) months. Thus, the test shows only after three months with a high certainty that HIV antibodies were formed in the blood - positive - or not - negative.

A positive result of ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) alone is not a safe result for HIV infection. For this reason he is always accompanied by immunoblot (confirmatory test) applied, the erroneous assumptions of infection or false positive results avoided. must be assumed by HIV infection, provided by testing a further sample of the patient, a sample was excluded as the likelihood of failure also - first event of a positive outcome of the search and confirmation test - HIV antibody.

addition to the HIV antibody test is the direct detection (PCR and antigen) are possible. Tests with the antigen-process - searching for viral antigens (P24) - and testing using the PCR method - Search for viral nucleic acids (RNA) -, the HI-virus itself or its components with a smaller diagnostic window - show - a few days. Tests with the PCR method, but only in special cases - in newborns of HIV-infected mothers, blood transfusion, the diagnosis of acute HIV infection or to control therapy - are carried out.

The HIV test is not an''AIDS test''that he can not predict if you are infected with HIV, whether or when you are ill with AIDS. Also considered AIDS-free certificates and negative HIV tests - regardless of whether protected or unprotected Sex practices - not as safe.

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HIV contagion risks

The HIV virus is found mainly in blood and semen or vaginal fluid of infected people. When entering this highly virus-containing body fluids into the bloodstream of another person, the infection can be passed.

routes of infection:

- unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal and oral sex),
- the sharing of syringes by infected drug users,
- for needle stick injuries in the OR,
- transferring infected the child by the mother during pregnancy, at birth or through breast feeding,
- through open wounds and skin lesions,
- through blood products and blood transfusions and
- through organ transplants

Infection through kissing (if there is no breach of the gums), tears, saliva, sweat, urine and feces is considered very unlikely. In contrast, however, the risk of infection immediately after HIV infection is greatest.

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stages of HIV infection

An untreated HIV infection takes place in several stages:


few days or weeks after the infection or infection occur flu-like symptoms (symptoms of AIDS), which in the rule undetected:

- persistent fever,
- head and body aches,
- muscle pain,
- nausea,
- continued massive diarrhea,
- prolonged night sweats,
- skin tumors or
- permanent swelling of the lymph nodes.

addition begins the explosive growth of the virus using the host cells, the CD4 cell surface proteins - the mainly found on T-lymphocytes (T-helper cells), to a lesser extent but also on monocytes, macrophages and B lymphocytes are - wear. This also leads to reduction of CD4-positive T-helper cells.

Note: This
temporary illness - acute HIV disease - is not with the disease AIDS - equivalent to - full screen.


This is a different length, usually multi-year phase of appearance of any physical discomfort, but the virus in the body increased. The immune system but, despite the proliferation of HIV and the destruction of T-helper cells still have the upper hand over the virus. This occurs because the damaged cells are replaced largely by the production of new cells.


The number of T-helper cells decreases and the viral concentration increases, so that without treatment in 9 to 10 years after initial infection to a severe immune defect occurs, ie the proportion of CD4-positive T-helper cells in the blood, which are important inter alia for the cellular immune system, decreases from usually 500 up to 1500 / mu.l to below 200/μl. This extreme immune deficiency that leads to AIDS disease takes so-called opportunistic infections and malignant complications - Kaposi's sarcoma, malignant lymphoma, HIV encephalopathy, wasting syndrome - being taken, which are usually the cause of death. Healthy but these pathogens are usually harmless.

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The retrovirus HIV

This is an envelope virus. The virus is 90-100 nm in size by an outer membrane (lipid bilayer) environments, are incorporated into the glycoprotein spikes. In the outer membrane is a further shell, the capsid, a helical protein structure that surrounds the nucleic acid core, which contains the genome, that the series is to single-out two (2) copies of RNA and contains 7000-11000 nucleotides. The single-stranded RNA

(genetic material) of the retrovirus is transcribed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase (RT) to DNA and integrated into the genome of the host cell.

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HIV virus species or strains of HIV virus

The two previously known strains of HIV are known as HIV-1 and HIV-2. These are similar in structure, but differ in their serological properties. Both are divided into subtypes, which have large differences in the geographical distribution.

of HIV-1 there are two (2) subgroups (occurs mainly in Cameroon and the U.S.) with M and O are known. The group M is further divided into nine (9) subtypes, labeled A (especially in Central and Eastern Africa and Europe), B (especially in Europe, Central Africa, North America, South America, India and Indochina), C (Central and Southern Africa, Europe, India and Indochina), D (Central Africa and Europe), E (Central, Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe, India and Indochina), F (Central Africa, South America and Europe), G (Central and West Africa and Europe), H (Central Africa and Europe) and I (known in the Middle East). The less pathogenic HIV-2 is divided into five (5) sub-groups, with A (worldwide), B (particularly in West Africa, Europe and India), C (West Africa), D (West Africa) and are called E (West Africa).

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What will actually be HIV and AIDS was called?

as HIV, the virus is known. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a spherical retrovirus with a relatively complex genome, which belongs to the family of lentiviruses. The virus infects the cells, especially of the immune system, increases in them, it is out of action and finally destroyed it.

the disease as a result of Infection with the HIV virus was given the name AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). AIDS caused by HIV-induced weakening of the immune system, making the body defenseless against many pathogens susceptible to tumors - to ward off a healthy person without any problems - and eventually leads to death without treatment.