Monday, June 29, 2009

Shops That Sell Beyblades In Australia

Roman, 13 weeks, umbilical cord trauma, and early childhood asymmetry right

novel came 4 weeks after birth because of an umbilical cord trauma in my practice. Mrs. S. received a referral from Dr. W. BL. Actually, it was not novel in such a hurry to get born. He was already a week over time. He weighed 3505 grams and was 47 inches long. After his birth he had a tumor on the birth of head / pressure point and a slight wedge head. he yelled really only at Papa later after birth. Mrs S comes with a plan and explained that it during the day very well, but in the evening from 19.00 - 24.00 clock would scream her dear son at a time. Roman gets a pint, which he empties quiet.
I look novel and notice a beautiful round head with an early childhood asymmetry bend to the right. His mother says he in the morning between 8.30 - 11.00 clock would tell all right. I check the source and visceral organs and Entstauungstechniken the CSO / CST for. After the second meeting, a lot has regulated.
On 08/05/2009 novel receives its first vaccination, after he has some fever. He now sleeps well from 19.00 - 24.00 Clock. We monitor his situation. I give the mother instructions to handle and explain how they keep the shorter side of the fuselage properly and store must. After the 3rd Meeting is novel not so much on his stomach. We explain carrying options and rotation in all layers in the presence of parents to promote the body symmetry. The father is involved in the handling. He is very interested and can be explained much. On 22
June 2009, Roman control in the child welfare clinic at Mrs. D. BL. He now weighs 7150 grams is 62 cm long. His sleep has been well regulated. In the meantime, novel revolves very much from back to belly and looks around. However, this situation he may not be longer than 15 minutes.
My recommendation: times daily short sequences in the prone position to perform. On 29
June 2009 I still get a report from Ms. S. that now everything is fine and the head movement made good. "With sunny regards"

Monday, June 22, 2009

Vintage Snowmobile Wreckers

Greetings from Alonissos!

Like every summer since 1995, there were just back the precious Advanced Seminar with Prof. George Vithoulkas in its International Academy of Homeopathy on the Greek island of Alonissos. I am grateful for these ever unique opportunity with an outstanding and incredibly inspiring teachers to study and while the exchanges with his colleagues estimated.

Best Foundation For Cover

leaflets in homeopathy may contain incorrect information

side effect: None

homeopathic medicines
by Dr. Sybille friend Source:
, Newsletter 35, June 2009

"We deal in this newsletter, including often the treatment of children. Just run in children homeopathic treatments very successful so that this form of treatment remains well on the rise is. What the therapist does, however, every now and then problems with the treatment are not the patients and not the disease, but the package insert. For this reason, I would like today to speak out.
were used there were no leaflets on homeopathic medicines. That was actually not that stupid, because you either knew about and knew how to handle it or you knew nothing of the matter and confided to his therapist. are now in the package inserts a lot of information that can be very confusing for the patient and, unfortunately, not without problems. example: Lycopodium D12 from manufacturer XYZ, it states: "With acute problems, you should take globule 50-10 hour (maximum 12 times a day) until improvement occurs. For the subsequent treatment or in chronic cases, 1-3 times daily 5-10 globules are taken. Infants up to 1 Age should, in consultation with the doctor, get a third of the adult dose. Infants to 6 Age, the half, children between 6 and 12 Age of two thirds of the adult dose received. "These data on dosage are questionable. As a therapist who has dealt with the Organon (Hahnemann's work in which he explains the homeopathic treatment in detail), one wonders why one should follow these dosage proposals which are not described in the Organon. It is the periodic repetition of "dry shares" (as opposed to the water glass method), Hahnemann rejected. Even where the information on the quantities of the globules and the max. 12-times dose come is not clear. Really difficult is the statement :"... or in chronic cases, 1-3 times daily 5-10 globules are taken. " This can result in one or the other so-called patients to a drug test. That is, the patient developed
by the homeopathic remedy symptoms that he had not before (more on drug testing, see Newsletter 14 September 2007) The dosage information for children and infants in this strict, non-individualized form, not necessarily to understand.
Hahnemann wrote that one should always the smallest possible dose to use. This can be in an infant one globule. 3 globules may already be too much also. It depends very much on the sensitivity of the patient.
Major problems also makes us the rate in some package inserts of homeopathic remedies: "For the purposes of this medicine in children are no well documented experience. It is therefore in children under 12 can not be applied. "
When threatened by the ingestion of large quantities of the product poisoning, such a formulation to understand. Is not this the case, however, it only confused. Thus, the sentence is about the drug potassium bromide in the company ZYX LM potency 6th Here one finds no molecules of the stock in dropper bottles. This remedy can not poison. And the accompanying phrase "... during pregnancy and lactation only after consultation with the doctor" just confused, because it can be done from a toxicological viewpoint, no damage.
there really any danger, it is in the package inserts the phrase :"... not be used. This is a clear record that is to protect against poisoning. But as soon as it say "shall", it can be assumed that the study location is not enough to say clearly be: "is not dangerous." could be offered to most homeopathic preparations is likely to prove the safety, if you had the money and the time for studies.
As you can see, we missed the legislators here are some brain teasers. The gifts of teaching is a very large area on which homeopathy students have a long time to chew until they feel reasonably certain. And even then, it can lead to discussions among therapists, if you want to find a suitable dosage for a patient.
That means for our patients, contact your therapist. He
you can most likely call the appropriate dosage in your case. "

Dr. Sybille friend homeopath
in Dreieich, chairman of the DGMH
and regular writer for the newsletter.
, Newsletter 35, June 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Druid Wedding Phrases

Tom, 7 years - falling from a bunk bed

Tom came in with his Grandmother in my practice. He had fallen a week before the fight with a young friend from the bunk bed on the right thigh. His hip ached. She was swollen. Whether he had struck his head, he no longer knew.
Tom climbed very willing my treatment table. Before he told me the exact course of the accident as it happened.
I listened to him attentively, and told him what it touches the in osteopathy is all about. I showed him the skeleton and he looked at it carefully. Eager to learn he did not want a lot of statements and his tirade stopped. My
treatment extended to the slightest touch on the cross leg and thigh with review of joint function. The right leg had to bend badly. Tom was in pain when bending. We encouraged gently with good breathing movement. The sacrum was a bit numb. However, it was quite warm after the treatment.
I treated his diaphragm, which was also a little congested. After decongestion with fascial techniques Tom began to yawn. So I could go on to the skull.
At the touch of his occiput felt it is, it's as if a halting gear was moved, we waited until Tom was after much talking calmly and deeply yawned. Very satisfied Grandmother and grandson went home. After a week I learned that Tom was able to finally sleep in peace and that he has done the treatment very well. I was about 1 - 2 treatments every 14 days to 3 weeks.


head injuries are mainly from 2 and 10 Age very often. Of a bump on the head to severe brain injury bleeding every form possible.

Since infants can not articulate their pain properly (approximately up to 3 years), particularly in this age group extreme caution after a crash offered. Such small children are carefully examined after a fall (wounds, bruises, etc.) and should consequently, no hospital can be picked up, monitored over time in their behavior, as can occur with head injuries to symptom-free intervals!
is in doubt, seek for evaluation and possible inpatient observation, a hospital / doctor.