Sunday, June 7, 2009

Druid Wedding Phrases

Tom, 7 years - falling from a bunk bed

Tom came in with his Grandmother in my practice. He had fallen a week before the fight with a young friend from the bunk bed on the right thigh. His hip ached. She was swollen. Whether he had struck his head, he no longer knew.
Tom climbed very willing my treatment table. Before he told me the exact course of the accident as it happened.
I listened to him attentively, and told him what it touches the in osteopathy is all about. I showed him the skeleton and he looked at it carefully. Eager to learn he did not want a lot of statements and his tirade stopped. My
treatment extended to the slightest touch on the cross leg and thigh with review of joint function. The right leg had to bend badly. Tom was in pain when bending. We encouraged gently with good breathing movement. The sacrum was a bit numb. However, it was quite warm after the treatment.
I treated his diaphragm, which was also a little congested. After decongestion with fascial techniques Tom began to yawn. So I could go on to the skull.
At the touch of his occiput felt it is, it's as if a halting gear was moved, we waited until Tom was after much talking calmly and deeply yawned. Very satisfied Grandmother and grandson went home. After a week I learned that Tom was able to finally sleep in peace and that he has done the treatment very well. I was about 1 - 2 treatments every 14 days to 3 weeks.


head injuries are mainly from 2 and 10 Age very often. Of a bump on the head to severe brain injury bleeding every form possible.

Since infants can not articulate their pain properly (approximately up to 3 years), particularly in this age group extreme caution after a crash offered. Such small children are carefully examined after a fall (wounds, bruises, etc.) and should consequently, no hospital can be picked up, monitored over time in their behavior, as can occur with head injuries to symptom-free intervals!
is in doubt, seek for evaluation and possible inpatient observation, a hospital / doctor.


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