Monday, July 27, 2009

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forceps delivery

birth: Medical - Complications - Pliers-birth

forceps birth

Obstetric Forceps consist of two metal spoons that resemble a salad servers or a sugar tongs. The woman doctor, a gynecologist in turn leads them gently into the vagina surrounds so that the baby's head and leads him gently out of the birth canal.

If you have not received epidural or spinal anesthesia is probably taken from the latest use of forceps, a local anesthetic to numb the birth canal. In addition, an episiotomy is often (episiotomy) is necessary if the head is born. May be to the bladder via a catheter emptied. While the increase in resting legs mounted brackets, press Next and your gynecologist, your gynecologist will your baby's head gently, but steadily, out with pliers. When the head is depressed, the rest of the body are born without instrumental assistance.

The forceps can be used only after the opening phase when the cervix is fully expanded and the baby's head in the pelvis or birth canal is.

A forceps delivery often leaves red marks on the skull sides. This is no cause for concern - the pressure points will soon disappear. A forceps delivery may prevent a c-section, for example if the baby in Pool got stuck. In addition, this method is usually faster and less complications than a caesarean section.

: 06/06, BH

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forceps delivery, daughter Angela, light reflux, infantile asymmetry right, 5 weeks

Mrs. H. came with her daughter Angela in my practice. Angela had no easy start in life. It had to be taken with the tongs. At birth she weighed 2520 g with a length of 47 cm. The first three weeks of her life she spent in neonatology. It was not easy for their parents.
had the visit in my practice at 2:06:09 it increased almost 1 kg. She suffered from mild reflux and had an early childhood right asymmetry. Mrs. H. had problems with breastfeeding. Right at the start of the meeting was thirsty and Angelika got the breast with the nipple shield. I watch as the mother holds the child and explain how the baby can see well with good instincts and clear direction facing the chest holding techniques. I show, is excited as a little smacking and smacking the baby to drink. Mrs. H. tries it out and it works.
explained in the second meeting my mother that breastfeeding would go well now without hats, but the left nipple is easily ignited. Tell a friend of mine, Mrs. H. recommendations for breast care and breast-Instructions: On 09/06/2009 I sent
Mrs. H. a mail that the diluted Calendula tincture: 10 drops have helped in 1 tablespoon hot water very quickly. She told me that the little girl in her sleep better. I was confirmed by the assumption that Angela is like on and around the body of the mother, to hear their heart beats. In the first 3-4 months, babies are carrying charges. The more hours they are paid, the less they cry. Because of the slight torticollis, Mrs. H. instructions that important information and tips for dealing with the child in everyday life. To make a significant contribution to a rapid improvement of asymmetry in that the parents identified recommendations apply as often as possible.
On 24/06/2009 Angela weighs 4000 kg. Sleeping is good now.
At 13:07:09 I ask the parents to see how it goes the child, and got the following report:
Angelika mostly makes a very satisfied feeling. With the management instructions we get on well. There is always another such exercise. She turns her head from now on only two sides. In the middle they can keep him well. Angelika great place to practice the prone position. We do this regularly, and we have made great progress already. to avoid the reflux is the greatest challenge. In a 3-4 hour cycle, we have pretty well under control. Since virtually nothing is returned. Angela has, however, often hungry and lose the rhythm, it is now worse again. The decision is not always easy to let them cry either and get the rhythm or give in and come back for the reflux. Currently we are at version 2, perhaps because our daughter had a growth spurt. "
For many parents find it difficult to keep the rhythm. The mother gives the breast to provide your child calm. When reflux child, sadly, that a frequent and leads at short intervals was silent in an increase in symptoms. With the growth of the child is the initial round shape of the stomach in an oblong. 80% of children from 4 Month, a spontaneous reassurance. With the application of palpation / hold technique in Craniosacral therapy, we can relax the left and right diaphragmatic arc, leading to better digestion out.

07/27/2009 , Angelika is 3 months old and weighs 4700 g. The pediatrician Dr. G. / BL is very satisfied. The reflux is not bad, for the surge-like vomiting is much better. She has not received any vaccination. Parents can and should the position instructions from 3 Months of use regularly, so that the child learns to be calm and composed in all positions. This must be practiced every day several times in short sequences, until the baby can release in the selected position. Angelika is very sensitive. It requires a great deal of patience and love to make her courage to take the appropriate location. Like to talk she hears her mother. It will then be quiet and keeps held. A soft smile plays around her lips.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How Do I Masterbate With Tissues?

Matteo, 3 1 / 2 years, diagnosis: hyperactivity, speech and concentration problems, toilet training

Mrs. I. I brought her bright boy Matteo. She had already given me her little daughter Chiara at 5 weeks of treatment. Matteo enters excited my practice and an incomprehensible tirade hits me. We set Matthew on the bed treatment. His mother tells me that Matthew had something intolerable and still not clean. Moreover, he lacks the necessary rest. She would have talked to their pediatrician and expressed a desire to be treated this child of mine. While Matteo

sounds funny from a Geschichtli Büchli, I treat him at the sacrum. I would like to check whether he has a well-fluctuating sacrum. I feel calmness and lack of exercise. After a while I ask the child if it senses heat. In the beginning I get little response. After that, I feel movement in the sacrum and Matteo confirmed that it is now warm. After the first session, the mother tells me that Matthew had become calmer. Later, I informed the mother that Matteo is now several days without a diaper during the day and from the third meeting it was only at night with a diaper. I declare Mrs. I. the Clean Development:
is three years old, the physical perception of most children so developed that use a successful toilet training can.
younger children lack often the universal awareness of their bodily sensations and / or the ability to interpret them accurately.
For this reason, we treat the craniosacral osteopathy / CSO / CST, the sacrum and ask if the child is feeling the heat.
With the touch of the sacrum / ISG and the cranial bones, we reach a conscious perception of the child.
you are targeted by contact to neurovascular points.

After the 4th S. on 22/06/2009 my wife I said that Matteo now speaking complete sentences and really love yourself Büchli look. His whole language had made great progress. He would make no more on the day in the diaper. They would now take a break. We agree that Mrs. I. out after the holiday on 20/07/2009, a final phone call to me. One could hyperactivity according to the Ordinance by Dr. med M. / BL I do not confirm. Matteo has sat in every meeting about 30 minutes or located and listened with great interest. This is for a 3 1/2J. Child very well.

Matteo wanted to be carried down the stairs after the meetings. The mother took him in her arms. I felt that needed Matteo affection and attention, for he is a little jealous of the new little sister. Contrary to the making of mindfulness and patience can Matteo accept the new situation which is no longer entirely in the first place to be respected and won by his mother to be. He wants to be involved in handling with the new baby. I hope that woman I can classify this situation well.