Friday, July 30, 2010

Victoria's Secret Angels Have Small Boobs


Here you will find useful in the treatment with the three forms of therapy that I have in my practice, and, where beneficial, like combining: classical homeopathy, osteopathy and herbal medicine. executed mainly in the osteopathy I limit myself to the treatment of babies. Here I find it useful to operate specialized, for in the Be
HAND development with hands make physical differences in size and structure a lot.
meet in the middle of homeopathy pictures at all people equally, regardless of age and body size. However, infants treated successfully with homeopathy, it is necessary to the normal infancy and the development features to be familiar. Also you must understand and babies know how to express themselves without words. This requires a high degree of specialized experience which is very useful. The other part is not me but prevents them from understanding and speaking people well :-)
The osteopathic treatment of newborns and infants, it shows up in my office sometimes be appropriate, in addition for manual therapy to help with homeopathy. If the combination is appropriate, osteopathy and homeopathy is leading to a quicker and more sustainable success of the treatment - to the great benefit of the young patients and their families. Phytotherapy (from Greek phyton = plant and therapeia = cure), in which I have 30 years experience, I sit alone or in addition to other forms of therapy one wherever it is offered.

The homeopathic treatment

I treat according to the rules of classical homeopathy. What does this mean and what you want to know about homeopathy, these issues I have a extra label dedicated to homeopathy. What can you contribute to your homeopathic treatment is optimal, as you take the homeopathic medicines and store, and similar questions, see answered here:
Taking your agent

globules in water resolution (WA): Enter the prescribed number of globules or drops in a glass of water (on the go in a new bottle from the pharmacy) and fill it halfway with water. As an example, my standard regulation for small babies: 1-2 drops in 1 / 8 l water. After the globules have been dissolved as your agent is ready for ingestion. Take the prescribed time interval about 1 teaspoon or 1 small. Sip. Let the agents before swallowing a few seconds long in the mouth. Because babies do not, you can give them the means drop by drop, even a prolonged contact is with the oral mucosa. It is important that you stir before each taking very strong (not with metal spoon) and before any new water dissolution, the drug vial 10 times shake vigorously, as we shake down a thermometer. Thus, the power dynamic is a little higher each time and enhances the effect. You can take of the same solution for 2-3 days.

globules "dry":
globules suck do not chew / dissolve by itself but in the mouth can. Please approximately 15 minutes before and after take nothing else in the mouth, especially after single dose. important case of repeated oral doses: the bottle or tube before each new dose 10 times shaken like a clinical thermometer is shaken down (see above).

 always follow the prescribed you taking mode, are also applicable to the package or other means of information - these are required by law and often do not meet the requirements of classical homeopathy.
 If you otherwise schulmediznische (allopathic) medicine for permanent income were, you should not settle without consultation or reduce. Homeopathic medicines complement such treatment is usually good.

during treatment

There are a few features of classical homeopathy:

After the first means of income, an initial, short-term intensification of the symptoms occur. This is a positive sign, we speak of an "initial response".
In homeopathy is: Less is more. If your drug works well and the symptoms subside, it could therefore be wrong to take more of it, in terms of "more is better". Rather, the income intervals to appropriately extend or suspend the taking.
    Later in the complaints need to heal often several regulations, that they come back after they had subsided. Not infrequently, one after another, various resources necessary or the same drug to be prescribed in several potencies, as for example with repeated oral doses a day "is no longer effective." Careful follow-up medical history and careful observation are therefore essential for sustainable success of treatment.
  • Surely you have heard that can have coffee and menthol disturbing, but there is another, "antidote" that is what the agent effect except can share power and that therefore during the treatment period - may last for example, after a single ingestion of a high potency for months - avoid if possible is:
  • coffee is sometimes disturbing, less commonly large quantities of other caffeine-containing drinks (cola, black tea). Please pre-treatment reduced slowly. Decaffeinated coffee is ok!
mint and menthol - in dental care products, cold medicine, gum, peppermint, eucalyptus, Peru balsam, camphor - often similar in promoting blood circulation liniments mentioned. There are menthol-free, homeopathy-friendly toothpaste. Homeopathic medicines can
    mutually negate their effects! Take - and give your child - between our treatment sessions is therefore not another homeopathic remedy, for example because of acute symptoms. Call me to prefer, I like to recommend something appropriate that does not interrupt the treatment.
  • dental treatment: We do not know why, but the drilling of antidotes, etc. often the effect of the homeopathic remedy. Please notice said.
  • The best storage of homeopathic medicine: Homeopathic medicines
  • remain in effect for decades, if they
not prolonged exposure to the sun and other bright light sources or Temperatures exceeding 37 degrees are exposed;

not be stored near strong-smelling substances such as: not in medicine cabinet, because there is almost always there is an odor, often by means that have been previously stored there.
    electrical sources such as mobile phones, cordless phones, computers, televisions, etc. can harm - this protects an e-blocker bag. Mgl. Source:

In a study by Viola Fryman were found craniosacral deformities at almost 95 percent of the "nervous" babies! Osteopathy is a manual therapy, ie it is treated with the hands. It is divided into three major areas: Structural Osteopathy treatment of the skeleton: joints, muscles, ligaments, etc. Visceral Osteopathy - Treatment of internal organs (viscera =): intestine, lung, etc. Craniosacral Osteopathy - Treatment of structures, the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord =) surrounded: head (= cranium), spine and sacrum (sacrum =). Also Craniosacral therapy or early Cranio called.

Craniosacral Osteopathy turns around birth to be particularly effective - perhaps because of the focus, here, as there is on the "Cranium" and the "sacrum", the head and pelvic region of the body.
The baby will help this gentle body therapy
to recover from the tremendous pressure on the skull bones to head Joint etc., which belongs to every normal birth - all the more after an unusually long and stormy labor, after labor induction when the second stage, particularly in some way was violently (forceps, ventouse, Kristeller), after a caesarean section when the baby was in breech position or similar circumstances geburtserschwerende. the baby's skull is still malleable, by high pressure can cause compression and twisting of the cranial bones to fixation in the head joint (Atlas) or painful tension of the meninges. The nervous system affected as well as the digestive system (excessive spitting, colic, etc.) and I often have the impression that affected babies suffer from deferred pain, such as under a nagging headache that makes them uneasy ("cry baby"). The engine development may be compromised. Craniosacral osteopathy stimulates the natural healing mechanisms of the body, restrictions may disintegrate, deformities corrected. Read more about this under the label "The treatment of babies." "The application of Craniosacral Osteopathy is based partly on a detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the structures and the other on the development of skilled and sensitive hands, can apply the knowledge." (Magoun HI).

The Herbal Medicine (phyton = plant, therapeia = healing), which I have been practicing for 35 years, I use as needed in addition in each treatment. For example, if during a Homeopathic constitutional therapy a slight acute illness must be treated as a cold or cough. Even during pregnancy, lactation, for Infants and children with digestive and sleep disorders in cycle problems or fertility problems, and many others, offers a wealth of highly effective herbal remedies - from tea to the concentrated essence - for internal and external use. stand beside me in the Phythotherapie old pharmacist books the modern plant monographs available, which we owe to today's medicinal plant research. (Commission E Monographs of the researcher dt Commission of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. We recommend the book by B. Kranz and S. Berger Mair 'plant monographs in Foitzick Verlag, Munich).


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