Sunday, January 13, 2008

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lung metastases removed.

laser technology
Deliberately lung cancer
By Nicola von Lutterotti

the treatment of lung cancer, early detection is of great importance
04th January 2008 with a novel Laser technology can be gently and remove lung metastases often full. Nevertheless, without still a significant proportion of those affected to such a potentially life-saving treatment. One reason may be that even the photo-thermal method called resection even in the oncology world is only insufficiently known. While in Germany there are now some 40 thoracic surgical centers offering the procedure. This option is used now, however, quite rare.
take Apparently many doctors that it is worth a surgical procedure in patients with lung metastases in rare cases. In conventional surgery, such as reservations are made in the act. Here , the scattering flock with a stapling device, a truck, disconnected from the healthy tissue and then separated out. Since you can attach to the truck only straight seams and - to prevent the spread of cancer cells - also present a greater distance from the tumor boundary, one that stapling technique results in significant tissue loss. As useful as they will be maintained only in patients with up to five lung metastases.
on the "real" lasers, it is important
contrast is laser surgery for a significantly greater proportion of patients considered. Instrumental in the development of this method was Axel role of the Centre for Pneumology, Thoracic and vascular surgery at the specialist hospital in Coswig. As the thoracic surgeon said in an interview, the crucial step was the choice of the "real" laser light. Because this would have on the one hand be able to cut the delicate lung tissue, but on the other hand should close the open wounds as well withdraw that neither blood nor air assets.

has to be particularly suitable role, according to laser light with a wavelength of 1318 nanometers proved. Previously produced by neodymium-YAG crystals, can this make now with diode lasers, in high intensity, whereby the operation time significantly shortened. During surgery scans of the lung surgeon through an incision in the lateral chest wall from first centimeters to inches. Will he find, he circles the proliferation of a few millimeters distance from the tumor margin with the laser and cut it so out of the tissue. The resulting holes must be sewn on the surface.

It does not determine in each case, a panorama up on success.

out of properly applied the procedure rarely causes complications. Bernward Passlick pointed out by the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Freiburg, who also uses the method for some time and are currently being tested in other indications. The benefits of laser surgery Accordingly, one that only lost little healthy lung tissue. Because unlike the conventional approach could be to cut the metastases along the contours, so Passlick. Was also necessary to keep only a small safety margin to cancer stove. Because with the scattered laser light, the tumor bed can seem welded so well that the abnormal cells can escape only with difficulty. Passlick argues that the stapling technique lost about seven times as much healthy lung tissue as with laser technology. Therefore, one could even apply the procedure in patients with more than a hundred lung metastases.
Not everybody concerned, the laser therapy, however, benefit equally. Views Success it has, according to role usually only when only the lungs are infected with metastases and the original tumor was completely removed. Has the cancer spread even further, however, let the process do not expect a therapeutic benefit more. An early diagnosis of lung metastases am therefore, of considerable importance. That is all the more, as many cancer first settled the lungs and later attacked also other organs.

study shows relatively good survival chances.

If lung metastases removed in time, patients have relatively good chances of survival. The actions include a Coswiger by doctors study carried out, the results recently in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery "(vol. 131, p. 1236) have been published. In the investigation had included a total of 328 patients with malignant tumors of the kidney, colon or breast. In their lungs were up to 124 metastases.
in 93 percent of patients with unilateral and 75 percent of those with bilateral lung involvement was able to eliminate all palpable growths. Five years later in these collectives that about 41 percent of patients were alive. In the patients, whose lungs had been reported particularly large metastases, mortality, however, was already much higher. It was still well below of those patients who received chemotherapy and radiation therapy, because their metastases could not be removed completely. In this group, only seven percent lived for five years.
described as particularly gloomy Coswiger the thoracic surgeon, the situation of women with breast cancer to the lung übergegriffenem. Here were the scattered flock in the respiratory organs often discovered by chance and then often tackled only with chemotherapy. Of the few parties that turn at some point to a thoracic surgical center, many would have been some - some fifty or more - chemotherapy treatment cycles behind. It is extremely important in this context, early diagnosis and to pay more attention to therapy of lung metastases.

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