Monday, April 20, 2009

Ephedrine Substitute 2010

diagnosis: head trauma / vacuum extraction / suction bell, baby, 5 weeks

Mrs. B. with her little boy walked into my office. Franz weighed 3,460 g and was 51 inches tall. His start in life was not easy . woman as a maternity hospital had chosen, which was recommended to her in BL. In this hospital it was with the boy for several hours in labor, but did not throw the baby into the world. She was transferred to the Children's Hospital Basel. where he spent it another 10 hours before the little boy was born by vacuum extraction. The constant change of Midwives disturbed the mother very much. During the birth turned out that Francis had the umbilical cord wrapped around the feet. So you put up with the vacuum pump / suction cup and below the child was tied. Francis had to have endured pain, suffering came to be after 55 hours to a successful conclusion. After birth, who ended the little voice and it had to be extracted. During pregnancy the mother complained of continuous hiccups in children and sleepless nights. I look at the little boy said, and noticed that his joints have no real flow, the neck I see an inflammation of the sagittal sinus. I feel like the mother completely exhausted and cramped feet. Great concern to me is to give the mother more rest, so that they will be strong. Franz sleeps in the meantime, only 3 hours. I treat him at the sacrum, kidney and diaphragm and lead to the mother how she can hold her head well and safe during breastfeeding, so that Francis is relaxed and quiet drink. In the 3rd Meeting is with the Father and confirmed that Francis still sleeps little. The mother is afraid that her milk dries up. I stay calm and talk about the weight of the child who has not yet taken off and how much to hold in this difficult situation is necessary. The mother needs strength and peace. We are looking for resources, so that the mother comes to forces. Unfortunately, the grandparents do not live nearby.
first I suggest to parents that the parent gets a good chicken soup with vegetables and rice.
second I think the baby at the sacrum and skull, and experience how it is drinking quietly.
third The parents of the baby spit in the lateral position and carry it on the day Säckli.
After this treatment will be sent to me that the child was sleeping more the next day. For the violation of the sinuses is put on dressings or ointment with Arnica. At the next session, I see how the redness has disappeared slowly.
4th I give instructions to the diet. I note that the liver / bile swollen. Mrs. B. has received Chelidonium D4 (celandine), which she gives hesitate to support the Eiweisstoffwechsels at GallenwegentzĂĽndung. I'm staying with family as related by mail and support the parents psychologically by talking about the day and night rhythms. Mrs. B. file recovery, because the exhaustion is reflected in constant stress and insomnia. In the meantime, the parents dare with the child into the air and in the tram. The duration of crying is slowly. Although the child sleeps little it weighs 5750 g and looks healthy. In the last session we can really talk to the young Franz. Mrs B looks for the first time like the little pretty laughs. He babbles and it is really quiet in the room. It is a great gift. They trust and almost gets through their mother at the weekend support so that they can even sleep properly. Mother's milk is not dried up thanks to the healthy chicken soup and increase the fluid intake / Stilltee.
on 29/03/2009 I received an email: "At last Francis was sleeping much at night that was very relaxing I hope there are more such days..." As family now runs a small sleep log. Father and mother are replacing in so wife is as his strength and can sleep properly.
Mrs. B. reported on 17/04/2009 by mail: "We get used to the slow family life, Franz is it really better. That is, the nights are much better. The days may still be better. "Franz is now 9 weeks old. It is expected that his day-and night rhythm is set up now slowly what it takes approximately 3 months time. He will overcome his head injury and in his mid- see, for both parents to do all the best this and get support.


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