Thursday, April 22, 2010

Movie With Futuristic Motorcycle And Dune Buggies

Luain - the Sunday child, Impfbeschwerden, 5 months

Lady Huggel

I have a feeling it is already so much time has passed and Luain has made huge progress since the last time we were with you on 06.04.2010. Thanks to the daily training of the prone position, he is starting to turn. He still needs the final push from me, but very proud, if he has done in each case up to me and grins from ear to ear. In general, he is a very pleasant and sweet baby. Of course he is still very active and its vocal organ is getting stronger (which is to remain so). He is happier and more balanced. In the evening we can own it punctually at half past nine in his Bed set. He falls asleep to claim without any problems by itself. The nights also passed off peacefully. He sleeps through until half past eight! Of course, he sleeps for a day shorter (half an hour in the morning and afternoon and at noon about 1 1 / 2 - 2 hours
We have started a week ago with porridge Luain has tasted it from the start He eats with joy... requires a small amount, but then after a few spoonfuls of the still shopping. I give him five times now, ca.200ml counted to 24 hours.
The baby swimming we enjoy both very much. I go twice a week with him baden.Einmal alone and once with the Gruppe.Luain has now learned to dive without having to swallow every time. If he choked, he pushes it away, grinning bravely as if nothing had happened.

I would like an appointment on 31.5. afternoon reservieren.Luain'll get his 3rd Vaccination, and then I would absolutely come with him to you so that they stimulate his kidneys.

Thanks and see you soon. Best regards KL

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

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breastfeeding problems resolved quickly!

Problems in breast-feeding is the same as in neonates: it must not be long before the treatment takes.
sore nipples, pain during breastfeeding, engorgement, mastitis, the milk flow problems as too little or too much milk - this can and must act quickly to help. The right homeopathic remedy takes you within a few hours or days of sustained healing. Depending on the findings may parallel a craniosacral treatment of the baby be useful, for example, if the nipple because of tensions "squeezed".

It always makes me especially if I can help, because Pain during breastfeeding is so stressful - and so unnecessary!

An example from my practice:

Mrs. S. came for treatment because of repeated, very painful milk jam. She had imagined her baby to nurse longer, but now it's just understandably at weaning. Before that she wanted to make one final attempt with homeopathy. Because during the history interview her chest began to hurt again already, they got the right resources or individually administered in practice. As agreed, they called me the next day. She reported: "An hour after taking the milk began to flow, and since then I have for the first time since Weeks no more pain in the chest. Thank you! "This is now back a few months, Ms. A. had no more complaints, she and her baby enjoy breastfeeding.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

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from insomnia 6th

insomnia - difficulty falling asleep, especially the young parents most frequently recited dark side of Mom or Dad-existence. Whether a child is already sleeping through the night at 2 months or 16 months yet, we can say never. Sleeping child only heard, the protest is this is a difficult situation for all involved, which can be solved in many cases.
(rejected if by some parents) Very promising is the following method from the U.S.: this is allowed to the child screaming for a detailed schedule interrupted by waiting on Mom or Dad at the crib, during which it reassuring and comforting to the child persuades, it strokes and then after 2 minutes again leaves the room. The time intervals are always larger until the child finally falls asleep. These (and many parents - especially mothers - seemingly heartless) method shows usually after 3-7 days have the desired effect.

is of little help, however usually sleep following variant: A parent with the baby as long as the apartment until he falls asleep happy and content, and puts it to bed. Most are spontaneous nocturnal dissatisfaction rallies the result. But why?
The answer is as simple as obvious. Sleeping child in the sheltered environment for mom or dad, and later wakes up alone in bed again, the child must be processed on the following situation: 1 I was left alone. 2. I am not (physically) where I'm just asleep. This double Konfus Sion is often the reason for nocturnal lament Your baby. Every man wakes up at night a few times, but sleeping without it taking too large for an informed immediately. Babies have not learned. It has now been proven that babies sleep in their bed, take these nocturnal awakenings trouble than their peers who have fallen asleep in a different situation / environment (eg on the arm of a parent).

A study by the Children's Hospital in Cologne has shown that 60-10 year olds often suffer from sleep disorders. As causes of emotional problems, television before bed (exciting films) and heavy dinners were discovered.

Lose Verginity And Blooding

sleep from 6 months Month - Amélie - the agile child

Lady Huggel

Thank you again for your commitment to our daughter, Amélie! The book has

what really helped us is: Every child can learn to sleep Author: Annette Kast-Zahn, Hartmut Morgenroth

Much love

family L.

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Craniosacral Osteopathy in Impfbeschwerden

Good day Mrs. Huggel
I know not know if you still me Remember a year ago I was with you in novel treatment. I just thought of that time back and decided to send you a small report and 2 photos of Roman.
runs Since February 2010, novel. By rising from a chair it is still not the case. The Fire will only be used to cover a wall, chair or moms to get leg to pull themselves up so that you can run. Roman is now at 12 months 78cm large and 12 kg. Since I now again in October 2009 at work, am he is at a day care where he is very good and much joy.
Now we have him, after so from 6 Month because of vaccine damage have nothing done, again vaccinated. With a prompt turn negative result: sleep disorders and extreme nagging . Well, we will cope.
We wish you a beautiful spring.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pranks Putting Food Coloring In Shampoo

Mental crises around the birth

sadness to depression, excruciating self-doubt , fear, guilt - the great range of unpleasant and disconcerting feeling is on pregnancy and motherhood experience much more common than generally assumed It is estimated that today every fifth to tenth woman is affected
What is the cause of a..? large role often only the unfamiliar great responsibility to the new tasks that can not get a handle on how it knows of itself. Once the baby arrives, of course, sleep is aggravating to the interrupted nights ... often the barrel is so full that it no longer needs additional to overflowing. And this is usually normal by themselves, the psychological problems creep in more and more, can be handled less and less. The culture of the nation-wide self-help organization "Shadow & Light" as the typical features:

fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy

sadness, frequent crying
  • Ambivalent Affairs empty feeling
  • general lack of interest and sexual pain
  • feelings towards the child
  • concentration, appetite and sleep
  • headache, dizziness, heart problems, other psychosomatic complaints
  • anxiety, extreme irritability, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts (recurrent destructive ideas and images that are not umgsetzt into action)
  • suicidal thoughts
  • Homeopathy is in my experience, a well-appropriate assistance. Very often the causes range from fatigue and hormonal changes, here is a homeopathic treatment, rapid and adequate Improvement and running. Even if the symptoms should require psychiatric treatment, homeopathy may accompany the soothing and works here according to experience treatment-shortening.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Reasons Urine Pregnancy Test Fail

Craniosacral Osteopathy / Therapy in Impfbeschwerden / Impfschock

description of the parents for the time of vaccination:
"development buckling after vaccination" or "main symptoms"

first Sleepiness with sleep reversal, agitation
Shortly after the vaccination, parents are in bed, a sleeping infant while he was otherwise at the edge of the bed and waited for the mother. Food intake is undisturbed, but then there is a sleeping child again. Weeks later, there is a reversal of the sleep rhythm. The child is awake at night and restless. But it sleeps during the day. This lethargy is in use today multiple vaccinations (6-fold: polio, hepatitis B, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, Haemophilus infection (meningitis or purulent inflammation of the epiglottis) an important symptom.
education by the pediatrician before vaccination

second Lack of interest
Nothing attracts the attention of the child, no person, no thing, no flowers, no passing car. There is no eye contact. The parents report that the operation being otherwise with joy photographing the child do not enjoy, because the lack of attention. The interest of the child depends not on the strange machine, but its substance, the looks to go into space.

third Apathetic baby with cold hands and cold feet
shock in the renal system. action: Must be treated by a therapist with renal Craniosacral Osteopathy / Craniosacral therapy.
success: After treatment should be immediate improvement.
inform pediatrician.

4th Strabismus after vaccination, seizures after vaccination
inform pediatrician.

5th Fever: A measure of the body to process toxic substances, healthy reaction.

observations: Practice CSO / CST P. Huggel, Munich Stone / CH