Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Reasons Urine Pregnancy Test Fail

Craniosacral Osteopathy / Therapy in Impfbeschwerden / Impfschock

description of the parents for the time of vaccination:
"development buckling after vaccination" or "main symptoms"

first Sleepiness with sleep reversal, agitation
Shortly after the vaccination, parents are in bed, a sleeping infant while he was otherwise at the edge of the bed and waited for the mother. Food intake is undisturbed, but then there is a sleeping child again. Weeks later, there is a reversal of the sleep rhythm. The child is awake at night and restless. But it sleeps during the day. This lethargy is in use today multiple vaccinations (6-fold: polio, hepatitis B, whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, Haemophilus infection (meningitis or purulent inflammation of the epiglottis) an important symptom.
education by the pediatrician before vaccination

second Lack of interest
Nothing attracts the attention of the child, no person, no thing, no flowers, no passing car. There is no eye contact. The parents report that the operation being otherwise with joy photographing the child do not enjoy, because the lack of attention. The interest of the child depends not on the strange machine, but its substance, the looks to go into space.

third Apathetic baby with cold hands and cold feet
shock in the renal system. action: Must be treated by a therapist with renal Craniosacral Osteopathy / Craniosacral therapy.
success: After treatment should be immediate improvement.
inform pediatrician.

4th Strabismus after vaccination, seizures after vaccination
inform pediatrician.

5th Fever: A measure of the body to process toxic substances, healthy reaction.

observations: Practice CSO / CST P. Huggel, Munich Stone / CH


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