Tuesday, November 18, 2008

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enzymes for immune cells to attack

Enzymes tumor vulnerable to immune cells.

enzyme preparations have beneficial effects in cancer therapy / life quality is improved

MUNICH (WST). Many malignant tumor diseases are associated with a significant increase of the cytokine transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) in the blood along. The capture of the systemic enzyme therapy in the vegetable or animal enzymes bromelain , papain, trypsin and chymotrypsin reduced TGF-ß levels significantly.

Perhaps this is an explanation of why be determined for respective enzyme preparations from the complementary cancer therapy, positive effects such as improved quality of life. Some studies even found a prolonged survival. This was reported by Dr. Winfried Miller, general practitioner with a focus on complementary oncology from Kempten.

As Miller at a joint meeting of the Scientific Society the promotion of enzyme therapy and the Medical Research Society in Munich enzyme executed condense, the evidence that tumors protect by excessive synthesis of TGF-ß from the immune system. High local concentrations of TGF-beta - which are ultimately reflected in increased plasma concentrations - correlated with the emergence, growth and spread of solid tumors, Miller said. In addition, in vitro, a predominantly suppressive effect of cytokines on effector cells of the immune system has been demonstrated, such as natural killer cells, cytotoxic T cells or macrophages.

In high-dose systemic therapy with enteric-packed proteolytic enzymes bromelain , papain, trypsin and chymotrypsin, as they are combined in such different Mucos ® products as food supplements, it comes to a reduction of increased TGF-ß levels.

Miller explained why: the enzyme conjugate with alpha-2-macroglobulin to activated alpha-2-macroglobulin-protease complexes. These irreversibly bind TGF-beta and make it harmless. As a result, immune cells that are suppressed by TGF-ß, their physiological, develop and directed defense against tumor cells function better.


ambulance Conzelmann
practice of travel medicine - especially individuals
practice biodynamic Vital Medical
Successful lifestyles
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Wolfgang Conzelmann
13353 Berlin, Luxemburger Str 33
Phone: 461 79 23
Homepage: http: / / www.arzt-berlin.tk/

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skills practice for sustainable medicine

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

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A chip for cancer surveillance

A chip for cancer surveillance
new method has cancer cells in blood of cancer patients after
A small microchip can cause cancer cells to fish out from a blood sample, the cells stick it to specially prepared micro-structures and can then be examined by doctors on. In lung cancer patients Shyamala Maheswaran, American researchers led by the cancer center at Massachusetts General Hospital in Charlestown now shown that this blood test to reliably similar follow-up a cancer therapy can be used as the usual, painful removal of tissue samples. From the genetic profile of the fished out tumor cells, the researchers want to determine which medication is best strike.

In microchip the blood sample flows through hair-thin channels and bathed in it about 78,000 micro-rods. On these rods are applied certain proteins that bind to the proteins of the tumor. In studies of 27 lung cancer patients, which was taken from ten milliliters of blood, the researchers found about a hundred tumor cells per milliliter of blood. A comparison with cell samples from biopsies showed that the researchers fished out the hope tumor cells with the tissue samples to 92 percent übereinstimmen.Die researchers to develop yet sophisticated laboratory technology to a simple blood test can continue. If that is the development of a lung disease and the course of therapy a blood sample instead of a tissue sample can be followed from inside the body. Tumor cells in the bloodstream means, according to the researchers do not necessarily mean that the cancer spreads it to other body regions. The amount of cancer cells in the blood can enter in some types of cancer information on how much the disease has progressed. By analyzing the genetic material of the tumor cell, researchers can also determine if the cancer by about mutations could develop a resistance to a drug. This would help in choosing the right therapy, say the researchers.

ambulance Conzelmann
practice of travel medicine - especially individuals
practice biodynamic Vital Medical
Successful lifestyles
successful exercise and nutritional therapy
Wolfgang Conzelmann
13353 Berlin, Luxemburger Str 33
Phone: 461 79 23
Homepage: http://www.arzt-berlin.tk/

times the link Here:

skills practice for sustainable Medicine

Saturday, April 19, 2008

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HIV vaccine

Despite intensive research is not yet an effective HIV vaccine are known or developed. This leaves the prevention of infection remains the only real protection against HIV infection.

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Hopes of a cure for AIDS or a vaccine against HIV have so far not met since the HI-virus can not be completely removed from the body, although some weeks are formed after infection defensive substances (antibodies) against the invading virus. Today, there are indeed improved treatments for HIV infection and AIDS symptoms - but its effect is limited. Therefore, the prevention of infection with the virus is to be the only protection against AIDS. This can also avoid the effect by estimating their own risk, and adjust their own behavior. In addition to the routes of infection but are also the means of protection against the virus very well known.

is also important to avoid unnecessary worries and fears and prejudices are broken down so that a climate in society without exclusion and devaluation of infected or sick will be strengthened.

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The therapy or treatment options to date

- with AZT (azidothymidine), a nucleoside analogue was in 1986 for the first time a drug is available that inhibit the replication of the virus.
- 1996 promised a combination therapy (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy), consisting of a protease inhibitor and two nucleoside analogues to reduce the virus concentration in the blood of patients to undetectable levels. As a result of antiretroviral therapy, AIDS has changed from a fatal to a chronic disease.
- Drug Prophylase Post-exposure (PEP) to HIV-risk contact the implantation of HIV infection in the body or prevent yet. It should be as soon a doctor should be consulted to obtain advice and, where appropriate, a post-exposure prophylaxis to perform, since the best results are within two hours after the event to be expected. After 48 or 72 hours is generally recommended PEP no more.

Experience with PEP are still not comprehensive enough to make reliable and comprehensive information about the effectiveness.

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HIV testing

After HIV infection after 2-4, made a maximum of 12 weeks in blood antibodies (substances) against HIV. These can be detected indirectly by using HIV testing and HIV-antibody tests. The HIV-antibody screening test (ELISA) test has a diagnostic window - the time between infection and detectability of the occurring antibodies - three (3) months. Thus, the test shows only after three months with a high certainty that HIV antibodies were formed in the blood - positive - or not - negative.

A positive result of ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) alone is not a safe result for HIV infection. For this reason he is always accompanied by immunoblot (confirmatory test) applied, the erroneous assumptions of infection or false positive results avoided. must be assumed by HIV infection, provided by testing a further sample of the patient, a sample was excluded as the likelihood of failure also - first event of a positive outcome of the search and confirmation test - HIV antibody.

addition to the HIV antibody test is the direct detection (PCR and antigen) are possible. Tests with the antigen-process - searching for viral antigens (P24) - and testing using the PCR method - Search for viral nucleic acids (RNA) -, the HI-virus itself or its components with a smaller diagnostic window - show - a few days. Tests with the PCR method, but only in special cases - in newborns of HIV-infected mothers, blood transfusion, the diagnosis of acute HIV infection or to control therapy - are carried out.

The HIV test is not an''AIDS test''that he can not predict if you are infected with HIV, whether or when you are ill with AIDS. Also considered AIDS-free certificates and negative HIV tests - regardless of whether protected or unprotected Sex practices - not as safe.

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HIV contagion risks

The HIV virus is found mainly in blood and semen or vaginal fluid of infected people. When entering this highly virus-containing body fluids into the bloodstream of another person, the infection can be passed.

routes of infection:

- unprotected sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal and oral sex),
- the sharing of syringes by infected drug users,
- for needle stick injuries in the OR,
- transferring infected the child by the mother during pregnancy, at birth or through breast feeding,
- through open wounds and skin lesions,
- through blood products and blood transfusions and
- through organ transplants

Infection through kissing (if there is no breach of the gums), tears, saliva, sweat, urine and feces is considered very unlikely. In contrast, however, the risk of infection immediately after HIV infection is greatest.

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stages of HIV infection

An untreated HIV infection takes place in several stages:


few days or weeks after the infection or infection occur flu-like symptoms (symptoms of AIDS), which in the rule undetected:

- persistent fever,
- head and body aches,
- muscle pain,
- nausea,
- continued massive diarrhea,
- prolonged night sweats,
- skin tumors or
- permanent swelling of the lymph nodes.

addition begins the explosive growth of the virus using the host cells, the CD4 cell surface proteins - the mainly found on T-lymphocytes (T-helper cells), to a lesser extent but also on monocytes, macrophages and B lymphocytes are - wear. This also leads to reduction of CD4-positive T-helper cells.

Note: This
temporary illness - acute HIV disease - is not with the disease AIDS - equivalent to - full screen.


This is a different length, usually multi-year phase of appearance of any physical discomfort, but the virus in the body increased. The immune system but, despite the proliferation of HIV and the destruction of T-helper cells still have the upper hand over the virus. This occurs because the damaged cells are replaced largely by the production of new cells.


The number of T-helper cells decreases and the viral concentration increases, so that without treatment in 9 to 10 years after initial infection to a severe immune defect occurs, ie the proportion of CD4-positive T-helper cells in the blood, which are important inter alia for the cellular immune system, decreases from usually 500 up to 1500 / mu.l to below 200/μl. This extreme immune deficiency that leads to AIDS disease takes so-called opportunistic infections and malignant complications - Kaposi's sarcoma, malignant lymphoma, HIV encephalopathy, wasting syndrome - being taken, which are usually the cause of death. Healthy but these pathogens are usually harmless.

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The retrovirus HIV

This is an envelope virus. The virus is 90-100 nm in size by an outer membrane (lipid bilayer) environments, are incorporated into the glycoprotein spikes. In the outer membrane is a further shell, the capsid, a helical protein structure that surrounds the nucleic acid core, which contains the genome, that the series is to single-out two (2) copies of RNA and contains 7000-11000 nucleotides. The single-stranded RNA

(genetic material) of the retrovirus is transcribed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase (RT) to DNA and integrated into the genome of the host cell.

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HIV virus species or strains of HIV virus

The two previously known strains of HIV are known as HIV-1 and HIV-2. These are similar in structure, but differ in their serological properties. Both are divided into subtypes, which have large differences in the geographical distribution.

of HIV-1 there are two (2) subgroups (occurs mainly in Cameroon and the U.S.) with M and O are known. The group M is further divided into nine (9) subtypes, labeled A (especially in Central and Eastern Africa and Europe), B (especially in Europe, Central Africa, North America, South America, India and Indochina), C (Central and Southern Africa, Europe, India and Indochina), D (Central Africa and Europe), E (Central, Eastern and Southern Africa, Europe, India and Indochina), F (Central Africa, South America and Europe), G (Central and West Africa and Europe), H (Central Africa and Europe) and I (known in the Middle East). The less pathogenic HIV-2 is divided into five (5) sub-groups, with A (worldwide), B (particularly in West Africa, Europe and India), C (West Africa), D (West Africa) and are called E (West Africa).

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What will actually be HIV and AIDS was called?

as HIV, the virus is known. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a spherical retrovirus with a relatively complex genome, which belongs to the family of lentiviruses. The virus infects the cells, especially of the immune system, increases in them, it is out of action and finally destroyed it.

the disease as a result of Infection with the HIV virus was given the name AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). AIDS caused by HIV-induced weakening of the immune system, making the body defenseless against many pathogens susceptible to tumors - to ward off a healthy person without any problems - and eventually leads to death without treatment.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

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Help fever and bacteria to cancer?

work plus fever bacteria against cancer?

give spontaneous healing of cancer is still a mystery. Prof. Heinz-Uwe Hobohm, a computational biologist at the Fachhochschule Gießen-Friedberg, has worked for years in the scientific explanation of this phenomenon.

fever enhances the immune response on cancer cells.

this he has evaluated many case descriptions from journals. He noted that these spontaneous remissions are often in close temporal association with a violent fever infection. Indeed Hobohm then found scattered in several epidemiological studies have confirmed that a personal history with many infections reduces the risk of cancer. This "cleansing effect" can develop even when cancer has already emerged: example, can improve an infection after an operation for cancer of the success of the procedure significantly. Meanwhile, you have found this a plausible biochemical explanation: by bacterial products, called PAMP (pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns), there is a stimulation of the innate immune system. Each vaccine adjuvants

are attached, one of which was known a long time, only that they enhance the immune response to a multiple. Recently it has been recognized that adjuvants in vaccines contribute to the same proteins in the human body as PAMP-agents: the so-called Toll receptors. These are essential components of the innate immune system, leading to a much stronger immune response against cancer cells. Fever enhances this effect probably in many ways. We know, for example, that cancer cells are often sensitive to heat than normal Körperzellen.Mit Professors John Grange and John Stanford of London Hobohm has now published another article in "Critical Reviews in Immunology. In it, the current application of PAMP is questioned.
attempts failed due to wrong application?

The few available clinical studies to PAMP were not very successful so far, according to the author trio a result misuse. Rather than testing of individual PAMP over short periods of time at untreatable patients, the author, you should use a cocktail of PAMP over time according to non-pretreated patients with fever. Only then can reveal the full potential of PAMP. In a joint research project with the University of Casting is now to be tested in mice, whether the administration of PAMP-specific substances in fever generation can actually improve the effect of cancer therapy.

ambulance Conzelmann
practice of travel medicine - especially individuals
practice biodynamic Vital Medical
Successful lifestyles
successful exercise and nutritional therapy
Wolfgang Conzelmann
13353 Berlin, Luxemburger Str 33
Phone : 461 79 23


times the link here:

skills practice for sustainable medicine

Thursday, January 17, 2008

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India malaria prophylaxis and vaccinations

malaria and vaccinations


High risk in rural areas in Assam and West Bengal

Medium risk all over the north of the line Madras - Goa and at altitudes at 2000m, including Madras

Low risk south of the line Madras - Goa, as on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are free of malaria at altitudes exceeding 2000m of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Aunchal Pradesh, Lakshadweep.
pathogens: approximately 40-50% Plasmodium falciparum (malaria tropica), the rest mainly Plasmodium vivax (malaria recommended
prevention with drugs * under certain conditions. tertian) malaria prophylaxis: the so-called "rule" of an organized tourist arrivals without pre-existing conditions:
High Risk!

Other Areas: carry an emergency medication (standby). Depending on travel time, travel style and personal circumstances, a different recommendation, such as the taking of a preventive malaria medication is possible.
additional protection from mosquito bites by long light-colored clothing, repellents, mosquito-free bedrooms.
(*) Please note: The choice of the malaria drug, as well as possibly deviations from the recommendations required as part an individual medical advice are taken. Therefore, before a trip to a malaria area recommend it to a doctor's advice.

malaria in Goa.

from different parts of India's malaria cases are reported. In Goa, were more than 2,800 malaria cases registered in the first half of 2007 (2006: 1,500 diseases). Most malaria cases were reported from the northern region of Goa in Bardez and the adjacent region Tiswadi. Not only locals but also tourists are vulnerable to malaria. In 2007, European travelers diagnosed with malaria after their holiday in Goa. Some of the passengers Others visited the popular tourist coastal areas of Goa - Calangute Beach Candolim Beach. But even from the north-western state of India - Rajasthani - Malaria cases are reported. In the north-east India each year, an estimated 500-600 deaths from malaria and also registered in the northeastern state of Assam, in 2007 reported 10,000 cases of illness and 25 deaths. Travelers should consult time before a reconnaissance trip travel medical advice. Through a thorough benefit-risk assessment in person, the right malaria prophylaxis be individualized. A variety of factors such as travel destination, Region, duration and behavior define the individual risk of malaria. Therefore, passengers will be in malaria-risk areas careful anti-mosquito measures and possibly a malaria prevention medication - after medical consultation - empfohlen.In many parts of the country there is a risk of infection for dengue. Dengue fever is transmitted by day-and night-active mosquitoes. Therefore, travelers should make good anti-mosquito measures.

map of malaria in India.


malaria drug Lariam

Mefloquine (Lariam ®) Mefloquine

is used for prevention or treatment in areas of high disease risk by the dangerous falciparum malaria. Common side effects include mood swings, and digestive disorders. Rarely reported psychotic signs, seizures and allergic skin reactions. Travelers with activities that require uninterrupted attention, spatial orientation and fine motor skills should not take mefloquine as possible. To test the compatibility should be started before leaving with the mefloquine-taking already 2-3 weeks. If necessary, nor can an alternative be sought prior to travel. At proven intolerance should will no longer require to take the drug. The side effects are dose dependent and are more common during treatment with Lariam. Contraindications include epilepsy, severe liver disease, depression and psychiatric disorders; care with specific conduction abnormalities on ECG, in the first third of pregnancy (see Chapter infertility, pregnancy, etc.). Interactions with many drugs are possible. Taking Note taking mefloquine for better compatibility with the meal! Dosage for prophylaxis in adults: 1 tablet per week. If mefloquine is well tolerated according to experience, which took a week starts before departure. Last Last intake: 4 weeks to return. Dosage for prophylaxis for children, according to the package inserts.

mefloquine is used primarily to treat, but also for the prevention of malaria. The pathogens die off because mefloquine one of its most important metabolic functions stört.In some areas, the malaria parasites (Plasmodium) transmitted by mosquitoes, are opposed to the standard drugs chloroquine (Resochin ®) and proguanil (proguanil ®) are already immune (resistant) . Mefloquine is the only reserve to prevent drug and should only be applied in these risk areas. This is particularly true of tropical Africa.


Malarone Atovaquone + proguanil

(Malarone ®)

This combination product may be used in high-risk areas because of the dangerous malaria prophylaxis or therapy .. Malarone ® is suitable for Mefloquinunverträglichkeit or resistance. Malarone ® is registered in Germany at the time only for a stay of up to 28 days in the malaria area. Side effects such as nausea, stomach problems, headaches come vor.Gegenanzeigen are severe liver disease, renal dysfunction, pregnancy and lactation. Interactions with many drugs are possible. Effective levels decrease while taking of metoclopramide against motion sickness. Taking Note: The drug absorption can be improved with high fat foods. Dosage: In adults and adolescents (> 40 kg) one tablet daily. Children's dosage (Junior tablets) according to package insert. Beginning 1 day before entry into the malaria area. Last intake: 7 days after leaving the pack Malariagebietes.Eine Malarone ® contains 12 tablets, which is sufficient for a maximum of 4-day stay in a malaria area.

doxycycline doxycycline (various trade names)

The antibiotic doxycycline (a "tetracycline") is not in Germany for malaria prevention approved - but used for years with good experience in areas where resistance to other malaria drugs. Doxycycline monohydrate (H2O) preparations are better tolerated than doxycycline hyclate (HCL). Side effects: As a natural antibiotic, it affects the bacterial colonization of the body and can lead to diarrhea at 1-5% in women with disorders of the vagina. Also increases the sensitivity of the skin, so-called "phototoxicity (adequate sun protection). Women with obesity have been reported in isolated cases of increased intracranial pressure with fundus changes. In case of persistent headaches and blurred vision needs the drug immediately be discontinued. Contraindications include pregnancy and lactation, children (under 8) with unfinished tooth development, renal and liver function, esophageal or gastric diseases, hypersensitivity to tetracycline interactions with many drugs and alcohol are possible. Milk and milk products reduce the absorption. Taking Note: For better compatibility you should not take doxycycline with a meal (without dairy products). Dosing in adults: 1 tablet (100 mg) daily. Beginning 1 day before entry into the malaria area. Last Intake: 4 weeks after leaving the risk area.

own comments on the effectiveness of doxycycline.

The term phototoxicity to read easily. Even if you read the literature so the good efficacy and safety is emphasized. The so-not. For travel to a country where the sun shines more than in Germany in the winter you should avoid this medication. Reason is - as I discovered from my own experience - the skin turns up occasionally spotty red. But what disturbs correct, the skin is burning in the sun, it hurts even more by light. I have therefore almost stopped in the shade and waited for dawn to leave the shade. Of course, I've always rubbed my body with a sun protection factor of 40. but nothing has helped. Later in Germany, I imagine that will also be laid in the head skin patches being represented in the hairline of the forehead.

doxycycline is also not suitable for treatment, only prevention is possible.


Recommended for all travelers are vaccinations against:

diphtheria, tetanus, polio,
measles (or immunity to disease)
hepatitis A

for risk groups in addition to vaccination against:

hepatitis B
rabies (risk very common!)
possibly Japan. Encephalitis
pneumococcal, influenza

entry rule:
yellow fever vaccination required for entry of yellow fever - endemic areas, not for airport transit passengers.

Please note:
The recommendations apply to adult. When children have special age limitations for the recommended travel immunizations and age-related risks are ignored!

occurrence of bird flu:
travelers to affected countries should avoid contact with live or dead poultry and birds of all types in markets and on public transport. Of disinfection you should stay away. The import of bird products including feathers from affected countries in the EU is prohibited. observe careful hygiene in food and drinking water::

important rules:
intestinal infections
drink only bottled water with intact cap or boiled, filtered or chemically disinfected water, no ice cubes basic rule: boil - cook - peel - or forget!

dengue fever: protection against mosquito bites.
HIV / AIDS transmission through blood contact (including piercing, tattooing, etc.) and sexual intercourse. Use of condoms and sterile syringes and needles.
damage from sun, sun protection! Sunglasses! No Sun exposure of 11.00 bis 15.00 clock
Do not go barefoot (infection)
without open swimming in fresh water (bilharzia risk)
In the interest of individual health care you can before you travel on vaccination and malaria prophylaxis medical counseling!

replace this information to any individual medical advice.

to protect from flying insects is:
The consistent application of the measures to avoid insect bites, the risk of disease, esp at malaria, significantly reduced.
To protect against bites of Anopheles Mosquito, the malaria is transfer, you should bear in dusk and at night time skin-covering, long clothing. Light-colored clothing offers better protection than dark ones. (Note: other insects, which also diseases such as Dengue or Japanese encephalitis etc. populations, are also active during the day!)
If possible, you should stay at night in mosquito-proof rooms close (protection of air-conditioning, mosquito nets) and the windows. If the hotels and places to stay without air conditioning, you should bring a mosquito net . mosquito nets can also be impregnated.
Exposed skin areas should be consistent with mosquito repellents, so-called repellents are rubbed (eg Autan etc.). Are repellent to insects such as the ointment known Autan. These products should carry the fragrance of N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) or dimethyl phthalate. These substances are, but have recently come into the discussion, but they will provide the best protection! One way is to wear impregnated fabric bracelets .
If you use a parallel sunscreen, you should apply the mosquito repellent necessarily last. Meanwhile, combinations are available. A
some protection and liniments with essential oils (citronella, etc.), but the duration is much shorter, so that you must rub the much more common (by about 10 to 20 minutes).
The additional use of insecticides in sprays, vaporizers, incense (mosquito coils), and the like can offer additional protection.


products for skin and clothing.
See link.

Shake the bottle well and the garment at a distance of 30 cm spray before dressing. Allow to dry for 2 hours. The impregnation gives the garment no odor stains, does not and is safe for all fabrics! The contents of one bottle is enough for the impregnation of 4 square meters material (1 m corresponds to a shirt or trousers). The effect lasts up to 2 months, even after 4 washes of cotton dresses, and 2-washes clothes made of synthetic Stoffen.Auch clothing for children from 3 Age appropriate!


My experience so was that the mosquitoes of the impregnated Clothes stay away.



Apply to the skin. Seemed to disturb but not all mosquitoes with me at least.

Useful links:

http://www.tinta-tours.de/countries/ country.asp id = 8D3066BA-22DF-4A2A-824C-A591F2B77A07


http://www. indien-aktuell.de/viewtopic.php t = 5064



Here is the link with pictures after my trip Mumbai and Goa.


ambulance Conzelmann

practice of travel medicine - especially individuals

practice biodynamic Vital medical
Successful lifestyles
successful exercise and nutritional therapy
Wolfgang Conzelmann
13353 Berlin, Luxemburger Str 33
Phone: 461 79 23

times the link here:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

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lung metastases removed.

laser technology
Deliberately lung cancer
By Nicola von Lutterotti

the treatment of lung cancer, early detection is of great importance
04th January 2008 with a novel Laser technology can be gently and remove lung metastases often full. Nevertheless, without still a significant proportion of those affected to such a potentially life-saving treatment. One reason may be that even the photo-thermal method called resection even in the oncology world is only insufficiently known. While in Germany there are now some 40 thoracic surgical centers offering the procedure. This option is used now, however, quite rare.
take Apparently many doctors that it is worth a surgical procedure in patients with lung metastases in rare cases. In conventional surgery, such as reservations are made in the act. Here , the scattering flock with a stapling device, a truck, disconnected from the healthy tissue and then separated out. Since you can attach to the truck only straight seams and - to prevent the spread of cancer cells - also present a greater distance from the tumor boundary, one that stapling technique results in significant tissue loss. As useful as they will be maintained only in patients with up to five lung metastases.
on the "real" lasers, it is important
contrast is laser surgery for a significantly greater proportion of patients considered. Instrumental in the development of this method was Axel role of the Centre for Pneumology, Thoracic and vascular surgery at the specialist hospital in Coswig. As the thoracic surgeon said in an interview, the crucial step was the choice of the "real" laser light. Because this would have on the one hand be able to cut the delicate lung tissue, but on the other hand should close the open wounds as well withdraw that neither blood nor air assets.

has to be particularly suitable role, according to laser light with a wavelength of 1318 nanometers proved. Previously produced by neodymium-YAG crystals, can this make now with diode lasers, in high intensity, whereby the operation time significantly shortened. During surgery scans of the lung surgeon through an incision in the lateral chest wall from first centimeters to inches. Will he find, he circles the proliferation of a few millimeters distance from the tumor margin with the laser and cut it so out of the tissue. The resulting holes must be sewn on the surface.

It does not determine in each case, a panorama up on success.

out of properly applied the procedure rarely causes complications. Bernward Passlick pointed out by the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Freiburg, who also uses the method for some time and are currently being tested in other indications. The benefits of laser surgery Accordingly, one that only lost little healthy lung tissue. Because unlike the conventional approach could be to cut the metastases along the contours, so Passlick. Was also necessary to keep only a small safety margin to cancer stove. Because with the scattered laser light, the tumor bed can seem welded so well that the abnormal cells can escape only with difficulty. Passlick argues that the stapling technique lost about seven times as much healthy lung tissue as with laser technology. Therefore, one could even apply the procedure in patients with more than a hundred lung metastases.
Not everybody concerned, the laser therapy, however, benefit equally. Views Success it has, according to role usually only when only the lungs are infected with metastases and the original tumor was completely removed. Has the cancer spread even further, however, let the process do not expect a therapeutic benefit more. An early diagnosis of lung metastases am therefore, of considerable importance. That is all the more, as many cancer first settled the lungs and later attacked also other organs.

study shows relatively good survival chances.

If lung metastases removed in time, patients have relatively good chances of survival. The actions include a Coswiger by doctors study carried out, the results recently in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery "(vol. 131, p. 1236) have been published. In the investigation had included a total of 328 patients with malignant tumors of the kidney, colon or breast. In their lungs were up to 124 metastases.
in 93 percent of patients with unilateral and 75 percent of those with bilateral lung involvement was able to eliminate all palpable growths. Five years later in these collectives that about 41 percent of patients were alive. In the patients, whose lungs had been reported particularly large metastases, mortality, however, was already much higher. It was still well below of those patients who received chemotherapy and radiation therapy, because their metastases could not be removed completely. In this group, only seven percent lived for five years.
described as particularly gloomy Coswiger the thoracic surgeon, the situation of women with breast cancer to the lung übergegriffenem. Here were the scattered flock in the respiratory organs often discovered by chance and then often tackled only with chemotherapy. Of the few parties that turn at some point to a thoracic surgical center, many would have been some - some fifty or more - chemotherapy treatment cycles behind. It is extremely important in this context, early diagnosis and to pay more attention to therapy of lung metastases.

ambulance Conzelmann
practice of travel medicine - especially individuals

practice biodynamic Vital Medical
Successful lifestyles
successful exercise and nutritional therapy
Wolfgang Conzelmann
13353 Berlin, Luxemburger Str 33
Phone: 461 79 23

Homepage: http://www.arzt-berlin.tk/

times the link here: http:/
/ biomedizin.blogspot.com /

skills practice for sustainable medicine

Friday, January 11, 2008

Sore Mouth After Throwing Up

The sensation of pain, sensory-motor amnesia and Manu propria Kinesitherapie

The sensory-motor amnesia is

are disorders of the nervous system, reflecting a loss of control from within us, and we could solve themselves. This disorder manifests itself as a forgetfulness of the brain.
I try with the functional kinesitherapy the "forgotten" brain to remember again be tempted to. The sensory-motor amnesia is manifested in our attitude and user type to move. We have lost conscious access to the affected muscles of our body.
The sensorimotor amnesia is manifested in our body as chronic tension and muscle tightness, we do not perceive and resolve not can. The feedback loop between perception and movement, communication muscle - the brain - muscle is interrupted. Our muscles are active and we do not remember it. The reflexes of lower brain areas dominate and keep the program on a certain level of tension. The brain has lost its influence and control, our muscles are not obedient. The sensory-motor amnesia is a state of ignorance and powerlessness, inevitably führt.Die to major health problems of medicine, the sensory-motor amnesia diagnose it yet. Therefore, there are many suffering neither explanation nor successful approaches to healing. The resolution of the sensory-motor amnesia requires an internal learning process. We should more awareness and sensitivity to your body and less strenuous practices develop. The meaning of internal body processes raise because the perception is changing the motor. Where
been suggested that sensory-motor amnesia? In acute and chronic pain conditions and in various disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

  • in depression,
  • with anxiety and fatigue,
  • high blood pressure,
  • in asthma and heart problems
  • in psychosomatic disorders,
  • in neurological and gynwkologischen problems
  • incontinence,
  • headaches ,
  • in fibromyalgia,
  • with age - and wear,
  • in work-related problems in athletes and
  • with "you can not do anything" problems. to break

To sensorimotor amnesia, it has been found to be the first in which part of the brain took place. This is to find out a particular operation required. It may be important to know that the information is of bracing and relaxing the muscles reflexively aware of the nervous system to the corresponding brain areas and from there back into the muscles and led unconsciously. What help the patient and the Kinesitherapeutin can support the manu propria of the muscles to relax.

It is important to initiate this relaxation well targeted to the relaxation of stress in the neck muscles tense at first, since the whole process usually has its beginning. The head is
move between the shoulders of the protective response that occurs in all living things. The reaction spreads over the whole body and shortened his flexor muscles and movement changes its geometry. This is a primitive, phylogenetically older survival reflex. This reflex is a fast Bewegungsakt that spreads without conscious control and helps our body to defend themselves from any danger. The body is thereby flexed and contracted. The rapid series of nerve impulses begins in the face, then goes down to the neck to the arms, trunk and finally to the legs and toes. The reflex is triggered before we can perceive it consciously or inhibit.
The American philosopher Thomas Hanna, named this reflex the reflex stop. Thomas Hanna says that with constant repetition of this reflex is the habit of man.
his opinion, this habit can be seen in the following postures:

  • The head is pulled forward and the neck down
  • The upper back is severely rounded, in extreme cases, humpback
  • Shoulders are pulled upward and forward
  • The chest is pulled inward and the Ausatemstellung fixed
  • The arms are internally rotated so that the back of the hand forward to show
  • The arms do not hang next, but before the body
  • The hip joints are flexed roll
  • often not the feet from
  • The corridor is small steps
  • The hull is stiff when going

I try in my Kinesitherapie this attitude to correct in my patients and to change permanently. The Manu propria Kinesitherapie treatment is composed by three bevels:

  1. I am looking for the causes of complaints by palpation in the neck and back and watch the entertainment and Bewegungsseigenarte. The method 4 - D own perception I try to make the patient aware of the cause of his complaint.
  2. The method 4 - D own stabilization I try the patient reprogramming tense and inappropriately targeted muscles reach
  3. To ensure the success of the therapy, I try to the patient with the method 4 - D own mobilization the adaptation to new economic movement and behaviors to teach.

"They were not aware of the involuntary permanent tension of your muscles." I tell the patient.
"It has struck me before," or "I do not feel at all," and maybe "this is me not even aware" are the common responses of the patients. Only when they feel lighter and free, they realize how tense they were before.
"It is shocking how little we know about ourselves ..." stated a patient at the end of Manu propria kinesis.
This ignorance is preparing us untold suffering and costs. The potential to resolve this crisis lies within us - it is just waiting discovered 4 - D self-perception, gives 4 - D own stabilization and used 4 - D own mobilization become.

Thomas Hanna "Movable be a life-long"