Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Images Of Makeup Ideas

Gabriele, early childhood asymmetry left Plagiocephalus

Gabriele comes with 3 weeks in my practice. The parents are excited because of the small Gabriele cries a lot. The mother has the right and left breast, to soothe the child. They are very hard so that they almost cramped. I speak softly with the child and mother procure the assistance of a nursing pillow. She cries and is very stressed, because the birth was hard. Through the pregnancy the mother suffered a kidney congestion, from which they had not recovered properly.
Am 16.07. tells the mother that she was on vacation. Gabriele has been lying very much in the air. He screamed a lot less. It is the day hot and Gabrielle has short panties on. Funny kicking his legs back and forth. While breast-feeding Gabriel stuhlt full enjoyment of their pants. Mrs. G. has, unfortunately, nothing to wrap with, because with such a charge they had not expected. Mr B goes home quickly and fetch new clothes. That was an excitement, for the whole sweater from Mrs. G. is spoiled. We laugh. Gabriele
now weighs 4580 grams and is 56 inches tall, it grows well and enjoys the trips that Mrs. G. does with him. The lactation periods have extended. If he's awake, he does not cry. Mrs. G. is still restless. There is none in the area who can help her and it's hard with the child throughout the day to be alone. In the 3rd Session I find out how the child was inadvertently vaccinated early in the practice of the pediatrician. Mrs. G. is irritated. I give her a list of homeopaths in order to find help. After vaccination was Gabriele exhausted and has 6 hours of sleep. Mrs. G. Stressed by all. She was not to study at the hospital and not at the homeopath. Gabriele is large and 6 in the Week he wants to drink more often. Once again, Mrs. G. goes on holiday, so it has good air and variety.
Am 31.07. I get a mail: "We have the impression that the asymmetry in early childhood has now receded quite strongly. Gabriel is now often also on the right side and can head a lot better turn in both directions. Even the crying has become more defined now, he says quite a lot especially in the morning - so comforting chatter. The ultrasound examination of the hip was good and it all seems in order. Vaccination he has coped with no side effects. It is insane to see and a lot of joy, as the head raised for a long time itself has. "
5:10:09, Gabriele weighs 5.5 kg, it has a length of 65 cm. He cries. The father is in practice. For two days the mother to work. Gabrielle has little increase. He does not drink with his father. Mother's milk is only in the evening when the mother is given. Unfortunately, the father has not brought any food in my practice. While I was busy with the child and comfort, the father brings the fast food drive. After heart-rending cries sobs Gabriele less and less on my shoulder. I explain to him that the father now brings the bottle, and we will show him how well he can do by themselves. We put the child in the middle position in a Nestli, which I form with the down pillows and give him the bottle. As we speak quietly with Gabrielle, now that all is well, he starts something to play with the tongue on the bottle, but it pushes back again and again. I tell the father that it is a completely new situation for Gabriele. Previously, the mother always calms the children and this is the father. He must first learn the correct and required patience. I talk to Gary and I promise him that his father very good job. Suddenly he laughs and tries to pull on the bottle. The father is amazed and says quite delighted with his son.

Monday, October 19, 2009

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Robin, 9 weeks, and early childhood asymmetry right

woman comes on 8th St. July 2009 Regulation v. Lord. Dr. U. in my practice. Her little son Robin was 9 weeks old. Mrs. St. reported a difficult birth. In that report it is very touched. Unfortunately, the measures of Obstetrics very engaging for her young son and the mother. According to the report of the mother, the doctors wanted to help the little boy with a bell and had slipped. Said Robin was taken with the tongs on the world. Robin was a strong child, weighing 3640 g with a length of 53 cm. During birth, it was found that the amniotic fluid was green and Robin breathed heavily after the birth.
He was six days for observation at the intensive care unit neonatalogische. There is also a transfer took place from Bethesda held after the UKB. Mrs. St. with her child could be in another building to visit her son. Mrs. St. was glad to keep her son was brought back to the poor. She reports that he was satisfied despite the difficult birth and would sleep from 20.00 clock by clock bis 5. For three weeks she is breastfeeding, but not because Robin had breastfeeding difficulties. It gives the pint every 3-4 hours.
Watch was that Robin had a privileged position to the right and was extremely frightened. From birth, Ms. St. recovers hard and cried a lot. The first weeks she was working alone with the care. She suffered from water in the feet and joint pain. Because of the favorable position of women has adapted itself to St. location of the child. You I received instructions for an asymmetry in early childhood and has found a rhythm well.
Robin holds her head in the middle do not like when shopping. After the 1st Vaccination at 15.07. He has slept and eaten little for a long time. The child had two days increased temperature. On average, Robin is sleeping after his last glass of almost 10 hours.
Am 20.07. weighed 6350 g and Robin had a length of 62 cm. Still, the little boy was scared. Both parents give Robin a lot of warmth and love. He is very balanced. After the 3rd Meeting has diminished the startle response. After a month Robin weighs 6700 g and 65 cm high. It is now well in the prone position and begins to spin. From October Mrs. St. is going to work again. This makes it very hard. Both parents have given the maximum attention and carried out all instructions well. The head control is very good. In the prone position, I see a small reduction in the right shoulder. I give Mrs. St. guide, how can a "Päckli" make. The child is so well supported and developed force.

After 21.09. I get a mail from Mrs. St.: "Robin now weighs 7.5 kg and is 70 inches tall. He turns to the right and left. After the 2nd Vaccination, he had four days complaints. We have given some homeopathy. For 14 days, Robin cold hands, probably due to the vaccine are. After the 5th Treatment with you Robin could be very good on the belly, he sticks his butt in the air and tried to put the knee. He stands up now in the prone position quite far up and stretched even to the head well back. At night he sleeps sometimes even in the prone position. He came into the nursery and has to get used to the new situation. He is still good. He is pleased with the many children and enjoys it. Since 21.09. given the somewhat Rüblibrei with potatoes or fennel for lunch. "
I'll pass you as they can handle the kidney, so Robin gets warmer. Unfortunately, it comes to vaccination in some children to such reactions. Robin has little in the ensuing time drinking and not increased. St.
woman has some trouble with the new situation, because they would like to have their young son with him. I have very much sympathy for Mrs. St., because I myself was once a young mother who had to bring her small daughter in a crib.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

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Tick saliva kills cancer cells make tumors

tick saliva kills cancer cells

tumor in rats cured by salivary proteins

ticks in the laboratory of the precious saliva aspirated (Photo: Instituto Bontantan) Sao Paulo (pte/28.08.2009 / 16:55) - A protein from tick saliva might one day improve the treatment of cancer. The claim by the Instituto Butantan biomedical http://www.butantan.gov.br/ in Sao Paulo. A substance that is produced by female, engorged ticks to reduce blood clotting, turned out to be appropriate in a rat experimental cure for cancer. The study has been given to Saliva of the Cayenne tick, the most populated coastal regions of the subtropical and tropical South America, where it is considered as vectors of typhus.

that tick saliva can be used for therapeutic purposes, have shown that Brazilian researchers before. The substance has specific proteins that inhibit blood clotting and so enable the tick only be vollzusaugen with blood from animals or humans. Coagulation cascade is generally on, and react more than a dozen clotting factors together. In saliva sucked Cayenne female ticks were identified in previous studies, the inhibitors of coagulation factors II and X. In search of wanted to find new inhibitors, the research team, led by molecular biologist Ana Marisa Chuda-Tavassi how the tick salivary protein acts on other cells, including tumor cells. The protein killed the cancer cells, surprisingly, while healthy cells untouched. To decipher the effect more precisely, the researchers treated cancer rats with the protein. "If you have a small tumor in the animals treated for 14 days, he did not develop further, but went slightly back in his ground. As we let the treatment take about 42 days, the tumor was completely eliminated," said the Brazilian researcher . The tick protein drugs could one day provide for skin, liver and pancreatic cancer. But that would require years of clinical tests and a substantial financial support, which in Brazil's assessment of the scientists show that was not possible. Chuda-Tavassi reported as "factor X active" protein now named in the patent office. "The discovery is one thing, the implementation for medical purposes, however, another," says the researcher.


note. cancer is not the same cancer. In this respect, this discovery should be considered separately. But good news this knowledge is in any case.

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Definition Ovary Bulky

Early Childhood asymmetry left Plagiocephalus (oblique head)

Iris - the little rainbow goddess
Mrs. E. enters on 16/06/2009 small with the iris at the age of 3 ½ months of my practice. Delivery was initiated and carried out spontaneously. On the way to life, the umbilical cord had wrapped around her neck, which probably had a restriction in the movement to the right result. Due to the constant position of the head in the left position was the skull slightly flattened, and it did Iris best to lie on his stomach. She weighed 3920 grams at birth
While drinking Iris had big problems. Breastfeeding was only in a horizontal position and in the afternoon they had crying. So the mother has weaned and given to the pint. The 1st Vaccination has Iris well tolerated. Since the first
Treatment with Craniosacral therapy, Iris went much better. Their cry in the afternoon stages have decreased, and the mother could schoppen Thanks to the therapy their child in a sitting position. The family owes a mail from 22.06.2009. Ms E received instructions to apply for early asymmetry left and slightly flattened head, to be applied daily.
added on 25/06/2009 Iris has a weight of 8150 g. They added their second on 22-06-2009 Vaccine. After that she was agitated and had a fever. We treat Iris in the 2nd Meeting. She cries no more, since the treatment is better in the prone position. She turns to the right and left side. Breastfeeding in a sitting position is very possible. In the prone position, the shoulder is somewhat limited and Iris is struggling to support themselves. I show the parent techniques, how it can help their child to improve the support function. At night sleep Iris quiet next to the mother. She sleeps on her stomach then sequences. At the 2nd Treatment came with the little sister Giada. She deals look good during the meeting with Büchli. Giada is a pretty "bean" with beautiful curls. You would like to be involved and show how proud she is to her sister. She sometimes has her own head.
In the post on 29.07.2009 I can convince me by a friendly and contented child. It shows me happy, what it can do. Iris is very agile for her age and strong. 12.08.2009
me share with parents: "I hope it goes good for you. Iris, it's super good. We work hard at practice, so that the arm is strengthened well. It is always better ". You send me a photo and wish a very proud until the end of August.

Monday, July 27, 2009

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forceps delivery

birth: Medical - Complications - Pliers-birth

forceps birth

Obstetric Forceps consist of two metal spoons that resemble a salad servers or a sugar tongs. The woman doctor, a gynecologist in turn leads them gently into the vagina surrounds so that the baby's head and leads him gently out of the birth canal.

If you have not received epidural or spinal anesthesia is probably taken from the latest use of forceps, a local anesthetic to numb the birth canal. In addition, an episiotomy is often (episiotomy) is necessary if the head is born. May be to the bladder via a catheter emptied. While the increase in resting legs mounted brackets, press Next and your gynecologist, your gynecologist will your baby's head gently, but steadily, out with pliers. When the head is depressed, the rest of the body are born without instrumental assistance.

The forceps can be used only after the opening phase when the cervix is fully expanded and the baby's head in the pelvis or birth canal is.

A forceps delivery often leaves red marks on the skull sides. This is no cause for concern - the pressure points will soon disappear. A forceps delivery may prevent a c-section, for example if the baby in Pool got stuck. In addition, this method is usually faster and less complications than a caesarean section.

: 06/06, BH
Source: swissmom.ch

Can I Mix Nyquil And Mucinex D

forceps delivery, daughter Angela, light reflux, infantile asymmetry right, 5 weeks

Mrs. H. came with her daughter Angela in my practice. Angela had no easy start in life. It had to be taken with the tongs. At birth she weighed 2520 g with a length of 47 cm. The first three weeks of her life she spent in neonatology. It was not easy for their parents.
had the visit in my practice at 2:06:09 it increased almost 1 kg. She suffered from mild reflux and had an early childhood right asymmetry. Mrs. H. had problems with breastfeeding. Right at the start of the meeting was thirsty and Angelika got the breast with the nipple shield. I watch as the mother holds the child and explain how the baby can see well with good instincts and clear direction facing the chest holding techniques. I show, is excited as a little smacking and smacking the baby to drink. Mrs. H. tries it out and it works.
explained in the second meeting my mother that breastfeeding would go well now without hats, but the left nipple is easily ignited. Tell a friend of mine, Mrs. H. recommendations for breast care and breast-Instructions: On 09/06/2009 I sent
Mrs. H. a mail that the diluted Calendula tincture: 10 drops have helped in 1 tablespoon hot water very quickly. She told me that the little girl in her sleep better. I was confirmed by the assumption that Angela is like on and around the body of the mother, to hear their heart beats. In the first 3-4 months, babies are carrying charges. The more hours they are paid, the less they cry. Because of the slight torticollis, Mrs. H. instructions that important information and tips for dealing with the child in everyday life. To make a significant contribution to a rapid improvement of asymmetry in that the parents identified recommendations apply as often as possible.
On 24/06/2009 Angela weighs 4000 kg. Sleeping is good now.
At 13:07:09 I ask the parents to see how it goes the child, and got the following report:
Angelika mostly makes a very satisfied feeling. With the management instructions we get on well. There is always another such exercise. She turns her head from now on only two sides. In the middle they can keep him well. Angelika great place to practice the prone position. We do this regularly, and we have made great progress already. to avoid the reflux is the greatest challenge. In a 3-4 hour cycle, we have pretty well under control. Since virtually nothing is returned. Angela has, however, often hungry and lose the rhythm, it is now worse again. The decision is not always easy to let them cry either and get the rhythm or give in and come back for the reflux. Currently we are at version 2, perhaps because our daughter had a growth spurt. "
For many parents find it difficult to keep the rhythm. The mother gives the breast to provide your child calm. When reflux child, sadly, that a frequent and leads at short intervals was silent in an increase in symptoms. With the growth of the child is the initial round shape of the stomach in an oblong. 80% of children from 4 Month, a spontaneous reassurance. With the application of palpation / hold technique in Craniosacral therapy, we can relax the left and right diaphragmatic arc, leading to better digestion out.

07/27/2009 , Angelika is 3 months old and weighs 4700 g. The pediatrician Dr. G. / BL is very satisfied. The reflux is not bad, for the surge-like vomiting is much better. She has not received any vaccination. Parents can and should the position instructions from 3 Months of use regularly, so that the child learns to be calm and composed in all positions. This must be practiced every day several times in short sequences, until the baby can release in the selected position. Angelika is very sensitive. It requires a great deal of patience and love to make her courage to take the appropriate location. Like to talk she hears her mother. It will then be quiet and keeps held. A soft smile plays around her lips.

Friday, July 3, 2009

How Do I Masterbate With Tissues?

Matteo, 3 1 / 2 years, diagnosis: hyperactivity, speech and concentration problems, toilet training

Mrs. I. I brought her bright boy Matteo. She had already given me her little daughter Chiara at 5 weeks of treatment. Matteo enters excited my practice and an incomprehensible tirade hits me. We set Matthew on the bed treatment. His mother tells me that Matthew had something intolerable and still not clean. Moreover, he lacks the necessary rest. She would have talked to their pediatrician and expressed a desire to be treated this child of mine. While Matteo

sounds funny from a Geschichtli Büchli, I treat him at the sacrum. I would like to check whether he has a well-fluctuating sacrum. I feel calmness and lack of exercise. After a while I ask the child if it senses heat. In the beginning I get little response. After that, I feel movement in the sacrum and Matteo confirmed that it is now warm. After the first session, the mother tells me that Matthew had become calmer. Later, I informed the mother that Matteo is now several days without a diaper during the day and from the third meeting it was only at night with a diaper. I declare Mrs. I. the Clean Development:
is three years old, the physical perception of most children so developed that use a successful toilet training can.
younger children lack often the universal awareness of their bodily sensations and / or the ability to interpret them accurately.
For this reason, we treat the craniosacral osteopathy / CSO / CST, the sacrum and ask if the child is feeling the heat.
With the touch of the sacrum / ISG and the cranial bones, we reach a conscious perception of the child.
you are targeted by contact to neurovascular points.

After the 4th S. on 22/06/2009 my wife I said that Matteo now speaking complete sentences and really love yourself Büchli look. His whole language had made great progress. He would make no more on the day in the diaper. They would now take a break. We agree that Mrs. I. out after the holiday on 20/07/2009, a final phone call to me. One could hyperactivity according to the Ordinance by Dr. med M. / BL I do not confirm. Matteo has sat in every meeting about 30 minutes or located and listened with great interest. This is for a 3 1/2J. Child very well.

Matteo wanted to be carried down the stairs after the meetings. The mother took him in her arms. I felt that needed Matteo affection and attention, for he is a little jealous of the new little sister. Contrary to the making of mindfulness and patience can Matteo accept the new situation which is no longer entirely in the first place to be respected and won by his mother to be. He wants to be involved in handling with the new baby. I hope that woman I can classify this situation well.

Monday, June 29, 2009

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Roman, 13 weeks, umbilical cord trauma, and early childhood asymmetry right

novel came 4 weeks after birth because of an umbilical cord trauma in my practice. Mrs. S. received a referral from Dr. W. BL. Actually, it was not novel in such a hurry to get born. He was already a week over time. He weighed 3505 grams and was 47 inches long. After his birth he had a tumor on the birth of head / pressure point and a slight wedge head. he yelled really only at Papa later after birth. Mrs S comes with a plan and explained that it during the day very well, but in the evening from 19.00 - 24.00 clock would scream her dear son at a time. Roman gets a pint, which he empties quiet.
I look novel and notice a beautiful round head with an early childhood asymmetry bend to the right. His mother says he in the morning between 8.30 - 11.00 clock would tell all right. I check the source and visceral organs and Entstauungstechniken the CSO / CST for. After the second meeting, a lot has regulated.
On 08/05/2009 novel receives its first vaccination, after he has some fever. He now sleeps well from 19.00 - 24.00 Clock. We monitor his situation. I give the mother instructions to handle and explain how they keep the shorter side of the fuselage properly and store must. After the 3rd Meeting is novel not so much on his stomach. We explain carrying options and rotation in all layers in the presence of parents to promote the body symmetry. The father is involved in the handling. He is very interested and can be explained much. On 22
June 2009, Roman control in the child welfare clinic at Mrs. D. BL. He now weighs 7150 grams is 62 cm long. His sleep has been well regulated. In the meantime, novel revolves very much from back to belly and looks around. However, this situation he may not be longer than 15 minutes.
My recommendation: times daily short sequences in the prone position to perform. On 29
June 2009 I still get a report from Ms. S. that now everything is fine and the head movement made good. "With sunny regards"

Monday, June 22, 2009

Vintage Snowmobile Wreckers

Greetings from Alonissos!

Like every summer since 1995, there were just back the precious Advanced Seminar with Prof. George Vithoulkas in its International Academy of Homeopathy on the Greek island of Alonissos. I am grateful for these ever unique opportunity with an outstanding and incredibly inspiring teachers to study and while the exchanges with his colleagues estimated.

Best Foundation For Cover

leaflets in homeopathy may contain incorrect information

side effect: None

homeopathic medicines
by Dr. Sybille friend Source:
, Newsletter 35, June 2009

"We deal in this newsletter, including often the treatment of children. Just run in children homeopathic treatments very successful so that this form of treatment remains well on the rise is. What the therapist does, however, every now and then problems with the treatment are not the patients and not the disease, but the package insert. For this reason, I would like today to speak out.
were used there were no leaflets on homeopathic medicines. That was actually not that stupid, because you either knew about and knew how to handle it or you knew nothing of the matter and confided to his therapist. are now in the package inserts a lot of information that can be very confusing for the patient and, unfortunately, not without problems. example: Lycopodium D12 from manufacturer XYZ, it states: "With acute problems, you should take globule 50-10 hour (maximum 12 times a day) until improvement occurs. For the subsequent treatment or in chronic cases, 1-3 times daily 5-10 globules are taken. Infants up to 1 Age should, in consultation with the doctor, get a third of the adult dose. Infants to 6 Age, the half, children between 6 and 12 Age of two thirds of the adult dose received. "These data on dosage are questionable. As a therapist who has dealt with the Organon (Hahnemann's work in which he explains the homeopathic treatment in detail), one wonders why one should follow these dosage proposals which are not described in the Organon. It is the periodic repetition of "dry shares" (as opposed to the water glass method), Hahnemann rejected. Even where the information on the quantities of the globules and the max. 12-times dose come is not clear. Really difficult is the statement :"... or in chronic cases, 1-3 times daily 5-10 globules are taken. " This can result in one or the other so-called patients to a drug test. That is, the patient developed
by the homeopathic remedy symptoms that he had not before (more on drug testing, see Newsletter 14 September 2007) The dosage information for children and infants in this strict, non-individualized form, not necessarily to understand.
Hahnemann wrote that one should always the smallest possible dose to use. This can be in an infant one globule. 3 globules may already be too much also. It depends very much on the sensitivity of the patient.
Major problems also makes us the rate in some package inserts of homeopathic remedies: "For the purposes of this medicine in children are no well documented experience. It is therefore in children under 12 can not be applied. "
When threatened by the ingestion of large quantities of the product poisoning, such a formulation to understand. Is not this the case, however, it only confused. Thus, the sentence is about the drug potassium bromide in the company ZYX LM potency 6th Here one finds no molecules of the stock in dropper bottles. This remedy can not poison. And the accompanying phrase "... during pregnancy and lactation only after consultation with the doctor" just confused, because it can be done from a toxicological viewpoint, no damage.
there really any danger, it is in the package inserts the phrase :"... not be used. This is a clear record that is to protect against poisoning. But as soon as it say "shall", it can be assumed that the study location is not enough to say clearly be: "is not dangerous." could be offered to most homeopathic preparations is likely to prove the safety, if you had the money and the time for studies.
As you can see, we missed the legislators here are some brain teasers. The gifts of teaching is a very large area on which homeopathy students have a long time to chew until they feel reasonably certain. And even then, it can lead to discussions among therapists, if you want to find a suitable dosage for a patient.
That means for our patients, contact your therapist. He
you can most likely call the appropriate dosage in your case. "

Dr. Sybille friend homeopath
in Dreieich, chairman of the DGMH
and regular writer for the newsletter.
, Newsletter 35, June 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Druid Wedding Phrases

Tom, 7 years - falling from a bunk bed

Tom came in with his Grandmother in my practice. He had fallen a week before the fight with a young friend from the bunk bed on the right thigh. His hip ached. She was swollen. Whether he had struck his head, he no longer knew.
Tom climbed very willing my treatment table. Before he told me the exact course of the accident as it happened.
I listened to him attentively, and told him what it touches the in osteopathy is all about. I showed him the skeleton and he looked at it carefully. Eager to learn he did not want a lot of statements and his tirade stopped. My
treatment extended to the slightest touch on the cross leg and thigh with review of joint function. The right leg had to bend badly. Tom was in pain when bending. We encouraged gently with good breathing movement. The sacrum was a bit numb. However, it was quite warm after the treatment.
I treated his diaphragm, which was also a little congested. After decongestion with fascial techniques Tom began to yawn. So I could go on to the skull.
At the touch of his occiput felt it is, it's as if a halting gear was moved, we waited until Tom was after much talking calmly and deeply yawned. Very satisfied Grandmother and grandson went home. After a week I learned that Tom was able to finally sleep in peace and that he has done the treatment very well. I was about 1 - 2 treatments every 14 days to 3 weeks.


head injuries are mainly from 2 and 10 Age very often. Of a bump on the head to severe brain injury bleeding every form possible.

Since infants can not articulate their pain properly (approximately up to 3 years), particularly in this age group extreme caution after a crash offered. Such small children are carefully examined after a fall (wounds, bruises, etc.) and should consequently, no hospital can be picked up, monitored over time in their behavior, as can occur with head injuries to symptom-free intervals!
is in doubt, seek for evaluation and possible inpatient observation, a hospital / doctor.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Varicose Veins During Pregnancy On Bum

developmental disabilities, emergency 37.5 W., Jael - the little Virgin 8 months later at the gourmet dinner (pasta, grated cheese, broccoli)

11th Nov. 2008: Mrs. L. enters the small Jael my practice. She received a recommendation from Mrs. witness, whose boy was treated with me. Jael's pediatrician, Dr. M. / BL wrote a prescription. Jael is about 8 weeks old. At birth she weighed 1800 g. Mrs. L. is worried because her child from 19.00 - 23.00 clock screams. Even the chairs, the little girl has problems. Jael was the period v. 11.11. - 14.12.08 treated by me.
reports In Jan. 2009 my wife L. that Jael is still doing very well. She sleeps at night with the last glass of wonderful and even alone in her crib. This was a huge sense of achievement for them.

12th Mail in May 2009 by Mrs L.:..
"Lady Huggel, please excuse that I only now can sign you are not the fabulous Jael brother Tian is three years old become Jael and small is now 8 months old! How time flies ... She's doing very very well and she is a smart little girl. You crawling for 2 weeks, 2 days since she kneels wherever they can and has been dragging on high. ... And the areas is also closing soon. You always want to eat with us and try everything on the table. It has also been down 2 teeth. Until now, they will eat anything except potatoes. However, Tian, the first 2 years also found not so great. For 3 months, she sleeps through and since Easter both sleep in the nursery, which is wonderful. I have such joy that my kids eat everything as easy and try another time ... I wish you good time and up to one. Best regards TL "

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

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Reflux / GERD with schwallartigem vomiting - Amélie - the agile child

Amélie is a November baby out with energy and charm. Dr. K. / BL sent me this little eye star. Amélie weighed 3450 g at birth with a length of 50 cm. The birth was normal and spontaneous. Three weeks after birth, it is becoming less. at the age of 4 months, she weighs 5570 grams and has grown by 12 cm. Mrs. G. breastfeeding after 4 months 5 times a day and 1 night. After vaccination was a rash on the face and later in the belly button to.

Amélie is spirited and moving. She has in 14 days increased 130 g, and we discuss the handles while breastfeeding, so she can drink a quiet and without distracting head spins.
At the 2nd Session, she appeared calm. We treat the right diaphragm, and I feel a little jam in the liver. Amélie comes across well. I control the discharge of the nerve and look at the mastoid bone (part of the temporal bone), red spots, which we treat. For the face I recommend calendula ointment that will help when applying. Because of the dermatitis she sleeps uneasily. The
Famlie moves into the winter sports. There is much to pack and handle. Mrs. G. complains that the child beds can be satisfied only in the best. The reflux has become more noticeably better.

After a nice holiday there Amélie well. She sleeps well and is just as much as she likes. She seems satisfied. The head mobility right / left is very good. After 6 months I check the status of mochmals Amelie. She receives me in the prone position in the waiting room and beamed at me. She is still a lightweight but versatile and well positioned. You happily shows me her first tooth. Now they will soon get three more teeth and may enjoy their first pap.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Angel Wing With Saying

Give the world your best smile

Masterbate In A Girdle

84% of Germans trust their dentist

84% of Germans trust their dentist

A survey by Reader's Digest Europe Health in 6184 people has revealed that after the physicians with 92% in second place with 84% of the dentists' confidence Germans enjoy. Thus, the dentists are 7% ahead of the pharmacists.
lag far behind with 34% confidence of the respondents is health information from the Internet.

Despite the Internet age, are, according to the respondents, doctors (92%) and dentists (81%) still considered the first and second source of information. Only 27% are looking for in terms of health information on the Internet for advice

This is once again proves that the issue of health does not go beyond the advice in an interview.

Taken from the journal BZB (issue 4 / 2009) SHM

Invitation Wording For 35th Birthday

bad teeth make her desolate

Monday, April 27, 2009

Heritage Infusio 11 Pc

normal birth, screaming from 18:30 to 22:30, constipation, baby Chiara, 5 weeks

Baby Chiara came with the mother and her little brother Matt in my practice. While Matteo spent time with his father in the fresh air, Chiara was treated. Mrs I. reported their births and the colic that did the little boy 3 1 / 2 months. At that time she had the doctors said that it would go on its own past.
you but I have heard that you can as quickly help Craniosacral therapy .
While I see the little girl, I see how well the mother holds the child. Chiara drinks strong and fast and then gets the hiccups. When recording of the child I see that the mother does not support the head. Chiara is the age of 5 weeks, her head still not hold myself. The head tilts to the rear. I give instructions for holding the skull in the first three months and we show the picking up and dropping the child.

asleep after drinking Chiara quiet, with a trend to the right. Chiara now weighs 4190 g. At birth she weighed 3190 g and had a length of 47 cm. They had was yellow after the birth of a liver disorder and their skin. By lying in the sun but healed quickly from this disorder. Dr. M. / BL issued a regulation on demand for treatment with CSO / CST.

Contact: I note a swelling of the liver, which I can deal well with fascial techniques.
Two days after 1st Meeting my wife said I with that they do not believe that the therapy will help. Mrs. I. was given instructions for the storage and handling. A week later

: I get an email. "The cry of seizures have stopped and everything has calmed down. I can not believe it. The crying behavior disappeared three days after the first Treatment. Stuhlt the baby any day now. The skull is moving in the middle. Chiara turns her head to the right and left ".

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ephedrine Substitute 2010

diagnosis: head trauma / vacuum extraction / suction bell, baby, 5 weeks

Mrs. B. with her little boy walked into my office. Franz weighed 3,460 g and was 51 inches tall. His start in life was not easy . woman as a maternity hospital had chosen, which was recommended to her in BL. In this hospital it was with the boy for several hours in labor, but did not throw the baby into the world. She was transferred to the Children's Hospital Basel. where he spent it another 10 hours before the little boy was born by vacuum extraction. The constant change of Midwives disturbed the mother very much. During the birth turned out that Francis had the umbilical cord wrapped around the feet. So you put up with the vacuum pump / suction cup and below the child was tied. Francis had to have endured pain, suffering came to be after 55 hours to a successful conclusion. After birth, who ended the little voice and it had to be extracted. During pregnancy the mother complained of continuous hiccups in children and sleepless nights. I look at the little boy said, and noticed that his joints have no real flow, the neck I see an inflammation of the sagittal sinus. I feel like the mother completely exhausted and cramped feet. Great concern to me is to give the mother more rest, so that they will be strong. Franz sleeps in the meantime, only 3 hours. I treat him at the sacrum, kidney and diaphragm and lead to the mother how she can hold her head well and safe during breastfeeding, so that Francis is relaxed and quiet drink. In the 3rd Meeting is with the Father and confirmed that Francis still sleeps little. The mother is afraid that her milk dries up. I stay calm and talk about the weight of the child who has not yet taken off and how much to hold in this difficult situation is necessary. The mother needs strength and peace. We are looking for resources, so that the mother comes to forces. Unfortunately, the grandparents do not live nearby.
first I suggest to parents that the parent gets a good chicken soup with vegetables and rice.
second I think the baby at the sacrum and skull, and experience how it is drinking quietly.
third The parents of the baby spit in the lateral position and carry it on the day Säckli.
After this treatment will be sent to me that the child was sleeping more the next day. For the violation of the sinuses is put on dressings or ointment with Arnica. At the next session, I see how the redness has disappeared slowly.
4th I give instructions to the diet. I note that the liver / bile swollen. Mrs. B. has received Chelidonium D4 (celandine), which she gives hesitate to support the Eiweisstoffwechsels at Gallenwegentzündung. I'm staying with family as related by mail and support the parents psychologically by talking about the day and night rhythms. Mrs. B. file recovery, because the exhaustion is reflected in constant stress and insomnia. In the meantime, the parents dare with the child into the air and in the tram. The duration of crying is slowly. Although the child sleeps little it weighs 5750 g and looks healthy. In the last session we can really talk to the young Franz. Mrs B looks for the first time like the little pretty laughs. He babbles and it is really quiet in the room. It is a great gift. They trust and almost gets through their mother at the weekend support so that they can even sleep properly. Mother's milk is not dried up thanks to the healthy chicken soup and increase the fluid intake / Stilltee.
on 29/03/2009 I received an email: "At last Francis was sleeping much at night that was very relaxing I hope there are more such days..." As family now runs a small sleep log. Father and mother are replacing in so wife is as his strength and can sleep properly.
Mrs. B. reported on 17/04/2009 by mail: "We get used to the slow family life, Franz is it really better. That is, the nights are much better. The days may still be better. "Franz is now 9 weeks old. It is expected that his day-and night rhythm is set up now slowly what it takes approximately 3 months time. He will overcome his head injury and in his mid- see, for both parents to do all the best this and get support.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Can Anyone Have A Birthday Party At Hooters?

cry baby by ventouse / vacuum extraction

The suction cup was developed in 1954 by Malmström. Depending on the location of the head is the suction cup attached. you can on the parietal (parietal bone) or the occipital bone ( occipital in place) or affect both bone. With the help of a will or next to the tubing running chain always toward the birth canal blow synchronously pulled the child. The suction effect resulting in the formation of a head tumor (circular hematoma). This soft edema in the soft scalp tissue should be resolved in the course of several days. So it's a very violent way to get to the world. The child must be supported in the rotation, the vacuum must be repeatedly applied.
- Due to the prolonged birth usually develop already compressions / lesions prior to the application of vacuum.
- affected the falx and tentorium Membaranen (large and small brain sickle) are.
- the temporal bone (temporal bone) can not open if the tentorium is drawn up.
- In case of violation in the sinus sagitalis (cerebral venous sinus) blood flow is compromised (drain-disturbance of cerebrospinal fluid).
- developmental delays and distortions in the head area may occur.
- tendency to torticollis (preferred position to the right or left).
- The great strength of the diaphragm with severe respiratory motion can be the result.
- Depending on the duration and strength of the train the whole Körperfazien are pulled up, pulled or twisted.
- the craniosacral rhythm (CSR) is not in motion. The movement is unrhythmical. The baby was pulled from its center - straight up, a bit rigid with clenched fists. Pelvis and legs do not work connected, are more likely under high voltage.

characteristics of children:
- Often babies cry (not quite with you, beside himself / big trouble)
- Effects of Craniosacral Osteopathy / Therapy is that the baby found in its middle and let go. This process requires patience and attention.

treatment approaches:
- The baby shows where his heart is to work in an approach from outside to inside.
- Smooth membrane work, smooth stops in the middle to release the diaphragm and the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament. The baby is quiet in this treatment and stops with the screaming.
- Structural Work as soon as possible from the bottom up to support the fluids in the middle in the longitudinal fluctuation.
- A company of the child should be made more regular and far between.

educational work:
I give parents instructions on how they are allowed to hold her baby so that it can find relief and calm. You will receive instructions as to why the baby cries.