Monday, February 28, 2011

Best Cheese Enchilada Authentic Cheese Enchilada

The Moon on February 28

The moon is currently in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, decreasing, 4 Quarter

Sunrise: 6:58 h
Sunset: 17:56
Next full moon: 19 March

The Capricorn is for clarity and order. This is a good use for office visits and for negotiations.

As the pain sensitivity is reduced, it would be a good time for tattoos, permanent makeup or body hair removal. Order or make spring cleaning goes like clockwork

Not good, it would be right now to make big plans.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Written Wedding Seating Chart Template

Train - Last words

MP3 albums + songs by Train - Downloads (link)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Damage Can Pityriasis Do?

residential community - Introduction

The picture that the public has of residential communities in this country very much on the media marked. Journal articles completely clueless journalists report about a property full of sound in belächelndem freaked Alternative, students in permanent party atmosphere and especially the supposedly only in WGs acute problem of cleanliness. Books on residential communities to enter into the same footsteps, telling endless anecdotes and funny residential community typify WGs in a remarkably uniform way: since there are always cited as the archetypes of "purpose-WG", "cereal-WG", "Women-WG", "men-flat" or even "gay-WG.

Factual reporting is selling just getting worse as certain to inflame the reader's imagination. All contributions should share the smug tone and the obligatory introduction in which the supposed origins of residential communities, namely the municipalities in the 60s and 70s are broadly met. The eternal attempt to find in shared visibility issues adjusted, the view of reality.

And so the living style residential community the public never the stink of "alternative" and "students" or "dormitory" got rid of. Only very rarely do you hear something about "old residential communities" or clever normal people in high-quality flats, of which one could only dream of as a single tenant. On

best, you very quickly forget the prejudices report of which the mass media. For example, it was already in the twenties living communities for today still known pattern. And, oh wonder, many people live quite well running communities of different origins, even with different interests, feel good about it and not even argue each week over the dirty Dishes. Probably the percentage of residential communities to really break the controversy and anger is about as high as the divorce rate of married couples.

text source: haiku, image: Wikipedia

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jeevan Saral Returns Any Guarantee In Circular

The slurry pump was there ...

... or life in Hungary ...

probably unthinkable for the majority in Germany to have no drains. Here with us still as a relic of ancient times. And we can live with it ... only we have found that our pit in the winter must be emptied frequently. Sometimes you just can not get to solutions and we have seen the perpetrator in the washing machine. But actually, I wash in the winter, no more ...

The explanation is quite simple, we can look after, as grown in our pit for the swimming pool on the ground 30cm. The masons have the extent of the manure pit with cement and saved through the porous joint press in there and groundwater, which we can actually pump out expensive.

time comes ... we come to it and the next summer will come.

Doujinshis Read Online

basis of a conceptual design

Read the whole thing just by - maybe you have quite different ideas and concepts. Perhaps there is one or another point on which we agree.

In joint meetings and joint weekend maybe you can try to do much of it in dealing with each other.

A family of choice takes a lot of opportunity to create relationships, build a lot of time and space to get to know and trust. Friendships are the most important part of a community. Therefore, to religion, sex, age, nationality and political attitudes play no part.

A common goal
We are aware of why we want to live together, a common Denominator, which all agree. No dogmas!

entry and exit are free and uncomplicated. No "competition". The decision came, I do, I stick to it, and how long, can only take each / r for themselves. The existing group can say, "Who wants us who has chosen what is good and welcome, if he go or she wants, it's OK.."

A project management serves as a method for the entire process, from finding community partners, about the organization of familiarization process to search for and building the collective and individual habitats.

are also intuitive and always asked good ideas, but also profound knowledge, organizational ability, skill, confidence, patience and unpaid time ....

common areas are the heart of every community. This must be enough space for all community needs to life, the everyday and the special.

individuality and privacy must be respected and be expressed in the premises. That is, Any adult needs a separate room, or even a flat.

Alternative: live in group homes. Larger communities will benefit if the immediate living together in small, self-selected group homes, from 5 - 8 adults takes place. A manageable group, common interests and rituals (eating together, meditating, a project) to create a more intimate affiliation and thus the necessary privacy and family security.

take the needs of the individuals seriously. "Something's Gotta Give" may be expressed and seen. Together, we then see how we can help to meet the need.

It benefits us to have confidence in the / the Individual / n, as he / she is, not too high expectations in his / her skills, respect for personal boundaries and privacy.

Everything is voluntary. Everyone is responsible for ensuring that he / she wants to do or not. Liability is a consequence of relationship and is not to obtain by rules.

core group
a sufficiently large number of mature, responsible adults who can even take good care of herself, her purpose in life have already been found and the full scoop. Only at this group can then be followed by other people

age mixing
children and old people need each other. And all the strong need in the middle age group.

fostering a loving, open attitude - a willingness to compromise, tolerance, understanding, peacefulness, serenity, joy in the meeting, readiness for conflict resolution, etc.

communication skills
Some of them should already have. The colors which on the other. If we practice mindful honesty with each other, we can get to know each other better. Everyone then has the chance to learn something.

meeting structures in which everyone can participate and feel heard. Topics to be prepared and then discussed by all. It has great significance for the finding of its own meaning in life, if you have a formative influence on the processes in the Community and MitschöpferIn "can be.

consensus on all decisions of which one is affected. Everyone always decides for itself in the interview, we gain understanding of other viewpoints and look for a solution. That sounds difficult, as long as you have not seen the specific sustainability of decisions where no one was left out. A bit of patience and trust in the wisdom of a larger group, are helpful.

willingness to confront conflict and as an opportunity to better understand and thus to use for further development. Constant feedback in direct human contact, regular reflection, supervision and, if required, conflict management when it burns.

courageous handling of taboo topics. What can not be discussed in an open ferment, under the carpet in front of him. Rather you should have a meeting on the topic than that you risk a couple of wonderful people from the group to ! Lose

Each community develops their own rules if they need any. These must be adapted flexibly to any changes and were eliminated in again when they serve no more.

men and women need the opportunity to connect back again and again in their own gender group. It deepens the understanding of identity, and this respect arises for the opposite sex. Feelings and thoughts can be expressed more easily and leveled when they first were allowed to appear in the protection of their own gender group.

community-building rituals, such as common meals, celebrations of life stages, seasonal festivals, joint activities. Rituals provide the opportunity to meet in an unusual context and get to know on a deeper level, even better. do

Working together
have something in common. This will strengthen the common identity and allows us to get to know each other better. It promotes confidence and joy. Sense of achievement as well as disappointments be enriching for all.

openness to the environment
Embed the neighborhood and the relevant partners. Public relations. Consider the culture grown in it as a "foreign body" "immigrating". Respect for the cultural and geographical space in which you want to find a home.

What also helps is an exchange of experience and / or an ongoing cooperation with other communities.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Toy Story 3rd Birthday Invitation

Soon the new planting season begins

The best time to plant perennials are spring and autumn because the plants are in the rest.

Ideal for perennials to plant in spring, before bud break. They are rooted Then with the start of a good growth and develop in the course of the spring quickly.

exceptions prove the rule, however. Peonies should however only be set in the fall. Excluded from the planting in the fall, however, all grasses and ferns, as they are not in the winter season rooting. The situation is similar with most Mediterranean subshrubs like lavender, rose and herb saint. Torch lilies and chrysanthemums should be planted in the spring.

If now begins the time of sowing, you can also sterilize garden soil itself. The soil through a sieve strip and 1 hour at 150 ° C in the oven. After that it is sterile and you do not be afraid of pests and plant diseases to have.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Noc For Driving License

It does not work a community education

on the website ........ I found 179 in the newsletter following:

The crux with the funding of communities: I am writing a mystery to you, could benefit from its resolution is not only us but also perhaps other community initiatives. Following problem: We have been about 3 years in community building and make it as a growing social network ... .... many valuable experiences. That feels good.

As for the speed of reconstruction, However, we would give you a little more gas, but come time and again to the funding problem. It costs us so much time and energy to his own private life within the existing social structures to finance, which often remains too little power to the desired village life to achieve the desired time period. We also need to make money, often do things we really refuse, because we have identified as harmful. The old structures so prevent their often unrealistic dynamics of the development of new, life-giving relationships. How come out of there?

I think you know this problem well painful. And certainly you also feel that our slow angry mother-earth will not allow the destructive gimmicks its probably the most intelligent children (yes, that we are people meant) not for long. For this reason, we want to grow as a community that is becoming a tooth, and we are looking for new ways to finance the building of our community.

We are looking for ethical investors travelers, for funding pots for solidarity Gemeinschaftler advising travelers, who are already a significant step further than we are, etc., etc., we offer: Real gratitude, human contact, fair exchange and, if necessary, also fair money.

My Resume to:

I know without the author or authors and wants them to offend, it reveals a certain naivety in the field of finance to speak of a mystery. The almost childlike perspective pervades the entire text, culminating in the conclusion "we offer: Real gratitude, human contact, fair exchange, and, if necessary, and fair money. ".

first What can not I spend and I can not. Ie, including wishes and desires to shut down.

second The question whether this match the objectives with the realities. Furthermore, not every road leads to the goal. My grandfather always said, the buttocks must fit into the pants, not vice versa.

third When God (Allah, Buddha, etc.) the time that he has not spoken of a hurry.

The search for ethical funds and funding pots they make it pretty easy. Where to believe these people who wanted "donors" have to get the capital?

If someone is not on its own creates and provides the price to pay for it, he has already lost from the beginning at. There are times in life when you have to bite once the teeth

I think it is necessary in the example above, the objectives and the approach to be checked. It is important that the available resources to match. In this triangle is the same problem and the solution. Time is the child factor.

Otherwise the whole thing is just another example in a series of broken dreams or illusions, where the not ready to deal with the realities and to pay the full price for it.

Author: Evaristo

Monday, February 21, 2011

Toddler With Candidiasis

The moon on 21 February

full moon is over and with it a few sleepless nights and unconscious tension.

The Moon is in the balance, decreasing, 3 Quarter
Sunrise: 7:11 Sunset 17:45

Libra is an air sign and stands for vibrancy, detachment and ingenuity. Particularly sensitive are currently hip, kidney and bladder. Even the endocrine system is affected more strongly.

The waning moon supports the cleansing and detoxifying. Massage is particularly effective, the chances of success in operations are larger, as better wound healing and recovery, bleeding, shorter and weaker. Ideal time for diets as weight loss and currently facilitates the fat is digested. Hüftgymnastik also proposes to particularly. But ... often mental depression for increased physical performance. By increased body activity affect renal and Bladder particularly well.

Na ... that sounds not at all so bad.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lcd Tv For Super Bowl

The baby osteopathy helps to recover from the tremendous pressure on the skull bones to head Joint etc., which belongs to every normal birth - all the more after an unusually long and stormy labor, after labor induction when the expulsion was particularly violent in any way (forceps, ventouse, Kristeller), after a caesarean section when the baby was in breech presentation or similar, geburtserschwerende circumstances.
The skull of the baby is still deformed by high pressure can cause compression and twisting of the cranial bones to fixation in the head joint (Atlas) or painful tension of the meninges. The nervous system affected as well as the digestive system (excessive spitting, colic, etc.) and I often have the impression that affected babies suffer from deferred pain, such as under a nagging headache that makes them uneasy ("cry baby"). The motor development may be compromised. Craniosacral osteopathy stimulates the natural healing mechanisms of the body, restrictions may disintegrate, deformities corrected. Read more about this under the label "The treatment of babies.
"The application of Craniosacral Osteopathy is based on a detailed on a knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the structures and the other on the development of skilled and sensitive hands, can apply the knowledge." (HI Magoun).

Eyes Open Unresponsive Still Breathing

Baby Newborn - Baby - Toddler

is the treatment of babies a priority in my experience and in my practice - perhaps also the fact that this is located in the counseling center for natural birth and parenting, which I co-founded 30 years ago and in which I Since 2000, the Institute for the infant questions guide.
So am I for more than three decades of deeply familiar with babies.
as a writer, I also dedicate myself for a long time the many topics of baby years.

Even the smallest people can have multiple problems and often even right at the beginning of life:
  • regulatory disorders (inconsolable crying)
  • tension (KISS, torticollis, etc.)
  • fretfulness, nervousness
  • colic and other digestive problems, increased Spitting
  • skin problems, eczema
  • allergies, milk intolerance
  • failure to thrive
  • lack Schlaf-/Wach-Regulation
  • development problems
  • excessive defiance in Infancy
  • jealousy at the birth of a sibling
  • settling problems in kindergarten or nursery, bedwetting .... Apart
this, they are plagued with blocked nose and runny nose, cough, ear infection, febrile infections, diarrhea, constipation, of course, on Zahnungsproblemen and everything else that is commonplace in pediatrics.
are in the treatment of babies in my practice, osteopathy and homeopathy, both in the foreground - depending upon the particular diagnosis - while the herbal medicine is added often accompany.

homeopathy for baby:
Decades of experience with infants, it makes me very each to find the right homeopathic remedies (similimum) too quickly. When it comes to decide between a few, circled means the only right thing (differential diagnosis - one of the most important skills in classical homeopathy), an accurate knowledge of what is normal for babies this age, is essential. This affects the sleep-wake behavior, digestion, Zahnungssymptome, appetite / drinking / eating behavior, to give but few.

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prevent allergy?

Since November 2009 is the entire list of allergenic foods deleted and not replaced, which had until then to avoid during pregnancy, breast-feeding or for weaning the baby. Everything is good, what tastes may again eaten without fear of allergy and the baby will be offered!
The "Guideline for allergy prevention" in the Action Alliance Allergy Prevention (ABAP), first established in 2004 and now in 2009 revised by the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI) in collaboration with the Medical Association of German Allergists (AEDA), the German Society Children's Hospital (DGKJ), the German Dermatological Society (DDG), and the Society for Pediatric Allergology (GPA). One of the authors pointed out that the U.S. company has come of Pediatrics in a recent review produced similar results.
What was the purpose of causing as much excitement as quickly outdated guidelines? Allergic diseases such as asthma, hay fever and atopic dermatitis to take unabated for many years. The causes are still largely unknown. Lack of effective conventional medical treatment would be prevention particularly important. But after five years, have in which restrained mothers and their children in this service, is now clear: "A general diet for allergy prevention can not be recommended." Here's what the new guideline:
  • During pregnancy and lactation is a new recommendation for the woman not to limit their diet - that is, a waiver of certain foods during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not contributing to current scientific data available to prevent an allergy of the child.
  • fish eating is now strongly recommended: even during pregnancy and while breast-feeding fish should be eaten. Scientists have previously suggested that fish can cause allergies, so now they suspect that fish atopy even more prevented. (If after a few years in turn are different assumptions, you will find it here :-))
  • The risk of allergy a baby is not reduced according to current knowledge by having his first complementary foods after the sixth month of life takes. We see no allergy prevention is more, the child to deny certain foods in the first two years of life. Does your baby so early as the fifth month of interest in your breakfast egg: You're welcome!

What Good Is A Minor In Psychology

I Will Be Here by Steven Curtis Chapman

MP3 albums + songs by Steven Curtis Chapman - Downloads (link)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thunderbird Turbocoupe For Sale

Father Kneipp therapy

Father Kneipp
In the practice of medicine is indeed spoken of the "Kneipp" method, but the priest from Wörishofen, Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), did not invent the water therapy. It is as old as mankind.

But as Kneipp be healthy with water cures the sick, had been the healing powers of water again attention. Water is not a healing substance in the traditional sense, but a particularly powerful transmitters of heat and cold stimuli. One should really speak of a heat and cold therapy. On the skin temperature stimulus is applied that forces the body to respond.

Kneipp for little result, that the body can be tuned with cold showers, washing, full or partial baths and cold baths, and thus the self-healing powers are activated.

He moved into his treatments not only the water with one, but also in the fresh air, healthy food and medicinal plants. Kneipp saw the people as a whole, which was to arrange his life and lead a lifestyle in line with internal and external. Man should achieve unity of mind, body and soul.

Kneipp's approach is based on five pillars:

The Hydrotherapy uses water . The best known applications are Kneippgüsse and treading water.

The nutrition therapy is versatile whole food in the foreground.

When exercise therapy should be avoided constricting clothing. As an intense form of exercise and simple Abhärtungsmethode Kneipp recommended walking barefoot.

The Phytotherapy uses the possibilities of medicinal plants.

The Body Medicine Kneipp has a path to a conscious, health-sustaining lifestyle proposed.

Kneipp's medicine is based on the operating principle of a "stimulus response", that is, those natural reactions of the body are used therapeutically, can be stimulated with the above-mentioned methods. The Kneipp therapy can or should be combined with other medical procedures. Thus, understanding the Kneipp medicine not as opposed to academic medicine, but as a supplement to it.

Kneipp Kur
Hydrotherapy is a medical procedure that is performed usually over a time period of three to four weeks in a recognized Kneipp health resort. It includes the elements named after Sebastian Kneipp Kneipp Medicine, represented by the Kneipp Medical Association and for the prevention or treatment of existing diseases.

The Kneipp therapy is effective in circulatory disorders, cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal complaints, rheumatism, sleep disorders and metabolic disorders. Some of the applications that will be used in clinics and spas, can perform at home. These include fonts, Sitz baths, washes, baths and wraps. Bath with a shower facility suitable for a home therapy is best.

Some basic elements of a Hydrotherapy can also be performed independently, such as walking barefoot in the shallow water (treading water), in dewy meadows (Tautreten) or in the snow (snow walking).

photo and text source: partially Wikipedia

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ethernet Cables And Cold Weather

Medicine of Hildegard of Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen was in 1098 Born in Bermersheim at Alzey as the tenth child of Hildebert and Mechthild of Bermersheim and was present from birth as a "tithe" God ordained. When she was 8 years old, she was taken to the Countess Jutta von Sponheim in the hut on the Disibodenberg. There she received an education. This was that she was taught in the singing of Psalms and in the songs of David. From the Hermitage, a monastery, which presided Hildegard of Bingen from 1136, as abbess.

Since child had Hilda - who was weak and sickly from birth - visions. These were of course, they belonged to and their lives. Only when she was 15 years old, she realized that other people do not have that gift. From that time she said no more about it. When she was 43 years old, she received the order from God to write down their visions without comment. Since they do not write in Latin was a monk wrote of Disibodenberg that it was as secretary to provide down their visions.

was the year 1147 to 1149 held a synod in Trier, on the Pope Eugenius III. the gift of prophecy, confirmed by Hildegard von Bingen. He read from her work in person SCIVIAS participating cardinals, bishops and theologians. Thus, their gift of prophecy has been recognized by the highest authority. In the year 1147 the monastery had Rupertsberg into which they had moved further visions. The result were the works of "The Book of Life services" and "The Book of God's work". Around 1165, she founded the monastery Eibingen because the monastery is not on the Rupertsberg other nuns could take. On 17 Died September 1179 Hildegard von Bingen. In their hour of death miraculous signs were seen in the sky.

After Hildegard von Bingen, the cause of a disease are in the Fall in Paradise. The fall of man has changed the bodies of Adam and Eve radically

- in man juice and phlegm are
created - the bile has a crystal formed
- the gene was
changed - the man has his body supply now with food
- the feelings have changed, and anger Grief
finding their way - the nature (environment) has changed and exerts a harmful influence of
- the man turns away from God.

The Medicine of Hildegard of Bingen rests on four pillars. 1. Diet, 2 a proper diet, 3 Ausleitungsverfahren (blood-letting, cupping) 4 Fasting. Each of the four pillars has its measure - for the good of man. Fasting is a pointless as harmful as an exaggerated bleeding. Each person has to find its right level. The best and most universal food is according to Hildegard von Bingen spelled.

Photo source: Wikipedia - Robert Lechner

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Irish blessing

In particularly difficult situations, and the pile away, and with us, I read this Irish blessing. Mostly I know then where to go and what to do ...

Go placidly amid the quiet - amid the noise and haste, and know what peace can give you the silence. Standing with all on good terms when it comes, but do not give up on it himself. Tell your truth quietly and clearly and always listen to the others, even the dull boring. They too have their story.

Train yourself in caution in your business: The world is full of trickery and fraud. But will thus not blind to what you encounter in virtue, and there are so many who strive for good, and in the life around you there is loads of heroism.

Be yourself! Above all, do not feign affection, where you do not feel them, but do not think too contemptuously of the love, where they moved again. She learns so much disenchantment, tolerates drought and grows so much yet full stamina again and again as the grass.

Live in peace with God, whatever you understand it now for you, and whatever your labors and dreams are in the confusing turmoil of life, keep peace with your own soul.

With all their deceit, their toil and their Squandered Dreams - the world is still beautiful!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Concorde Schooldenver Is Thisa Good School?

Chinese medicine

TCM shop Hong Kong
The foundation and the philosophy that underlies the Chinese medicine is, for us people in the western world have grown up, difficult to understand, especially since they are totally different from our Western way of thinking and different methods of healing. The Chinese medical theory assumes that all matter in the cosmos, including celestial bodies, and people from a common source, the Tao is. From this source come the two opposing forces or poles: Yin and Yang.

Yin is passive, dark and feminine and Yang is active, bright and masculine. Yin and Yang are in constant change and no one can not give the other. This is called the perpetual interplay between the two forces creates the life force Qi. If the balance between Yin and Yang in the body of a man disturbed, changes the life force and can cause a blockage, the person becomes ill. The imbalance can also result from environmental toxins, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, plenty of rest and sleep, emotional problems, etc.. The aim of Chinese medicine is to maintain a balance between Yin and Yang recover by allowing the qi to flow smoothly and thus did enable the people to heal themselves.

The bodies of a man will be assigned according to Chinese medicine's five elements. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. The relationship of these elements correspond to the reality of their relationship to each other, ie, wood burning and produces fire, fire creates ash, thus there is earth. Earth produces metal, metal melting, when heated, so the element of water is produced. Water promotes the growth of plants and this generates wood. The five elements manifest themselves according to the Chinese Medicine in the human body through its connection to five organ pairs. Thus, the heart rules the fire, the liver of the wood, the kidneys from the water, the pancreas and the lungs of the earth from the metal.

The Chinese medicine is based primarily on three methods: 1 Medicinal herbs are administered for relief of disharmony. 2. Due to certain acupuncture points of entrance along the meridians to the flow of Qi are encouraged, including acupressure or pressure point massage of points on the meridians is pursuing that goal. 3. In the field of nutrition is the fundamental Taoist principle of balance between Yin and Yang for use by the harmonization brought about by food is.

Photo source: Wikipedia - Mailer diablo

Flower For Algernon Plot Chart

Hungary - no fields to non

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Bochum informed CMD: CMD in our population www.zahnarzt,

The temporomandibular joint in the model

The craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)

CMD, which stands for "Cranium", ie the skull and mandible for the lower jaw.
The word "dysfunction" can be translated to malfunction.
are here meant diseases which are associated with the chewing muscles and / or your jaw joint.
they often suffer from headaches or neck pains? Having problems with mouth opening or chewing? If it might even hear cracking or crunching noises in the jaw joint? These are then the first warning signs that you should absolutely take it seriously. You may suffer from a CMD without knowing it.

CMD occurs in our population much more frequently than is perhaps commonly assumed.
5% to 10% of the population in our country probably suffer. Strangely, about 80% are women.

Usually you experience the symptoms at the age of 20 to 50 years. The craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is not seriously dangerous and even life-threatening, not at all. Their quality of life can be severely limited by the described symptoms. same time can be added interactions with other body regions, which can range from neck pain, on tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and dizziness, to severe back pain.

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The disadvantages in my adopted home ...

This is the first time the language. I am anyway not a language talent, but the Hungarian is hard to be miserable. We can communicate fluently while but is not.

The people are somewhat reserved and have at all the foreigners who are not necessarily maintained.

The integration in the village was really hard work.

Animal welfare is a very sensitive issue. Not all, but many go very badly with their animals from bad to something that your heart bleeds. Every 2nd Dog is still on the chain and some have not even a hut. Let alone that they are regularly fed. Not for nothing I've already got 3 dogs and 3 cats. All disposable animals.

And what I lack now and still has some culture, even a concert or something. In the first years it is quite busy with renovation and settle. The pioneer spirit is still great because ... everything is new. Now that it's done and we can rest there, especially in winter, not too much variety. Well, as I have much time, to bless you with my reporting.

And if anyone thinks of emigrating with children here ... probably not. Know some Western foreigners who came with children here and now are back again. The courses are rather below the level of the West and chances are there only in large cities ... best in Budapest. Unless you have a company here and the next generation gets on.

Sooo, now I was very honest. Nevertheless, we would not go back, it has also become a piece of home. The only marginally, perhaps because the question arises, why do not you go back. If I count together and a line under it do, for me, outweigh the benefits.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Alexis Texas Gone Black

Bach Flower

The Bach Flower therapy is no longer unknown. End of the 19th Century began, the British bacteriologist, homeopath and physician Edward Bach (1886-1936) with flowers and used them to experiment in the treatment of certain mental disturbances, such as anxiety, depression and anger. He found a total of 38 flower remedies. For the treatment can be mixed up to 6 flowers funds as directed by a specialist.

Most of Bach flower remedies are prepared as follows: fresh-picked Flower heads or other plant parts are intact in a thin glass bowl filled with fresh spring or river water down. The surface of the water is covered with flowers or plant parts, it takes so much that the parts do not overlap.

Then, pass the cup stand in the sun until the flowers start to wilt or plant parts and are then carefully removed. It takes about 2-7 hours, depending upon the plant and the power of the sun. This is intended to mimic the formation of Bach Blossom Dew, pass in which the healing powers of flowers or plants into the water. The water from the cup is now half bottled in dark bottles. The other half is filled with brandy to preserve the remedy. These storage tanks are made so indefinitely and can be used as the cylinders, which can be bought from pharmacies.

The flower remedies are without side effects and can be taken over a longer period, in combination with other drugs. This means never resolve themselves strong reactions, since they never cause harm, no matter in what quantity they are taken (except for alcoholics). If the wrong remedy has been taken, no negative effect. When the correct remedy is taken, is a salutary Be effective. Therefore, you need not fear to take Bach Flowers.

turn out in everyday life, these flower remedies for complaints such as fatigue, headaches, anxiety, depression, anxiety and many other symptoms to be effective, that these complaints are the first signs usually and these early signs of these remedies will be removed and treated can. May be taken to ensure that it remains in good health and protect themselves from disease.

It is known that many people, sometimes many months before a disease breaks out, do not feel really comfortable. If they could be dealt with by this time with Bach flowers, they would be spared much suffering.

Source: Wikipedia - wild rose by Manfred Heyde

Saturday, February 12, 2011

When To Send Super Bowl Invite

harmless Not: & Paracetamol Co.

Pain treatment is a success story of homeopathy. It is found, pain seriously. The intake of analgesics may seem easier, faster and cheaper method, but it often comes at the expense of health. In my practice I see many good experiences in the homeopathic treatment of Back pain and migraine in adults and teeth of pain in babies and young children.

An article by Harro Albrecht, published in Die Zeit on 02.10.2011, reduced and reproduced here in part. Emphasis added.

pain, to let

The Germans swallow masses of painkillers. Even at normal doses, tablets can be dangerous.
Nearly 70 percent of women and more than 50 percent of men are afflicted in the course of a year of headaches. Similar spreads are back pain, cause about 15 percent of all disability days - it already holds a health report of the Federal Government Composed of the year 2002. Pain is a mass phenomenon - and they are also usually covered: carefree and often without consulting a doctor. Half a dozen drugs for pain-free sale. A pack of paracetamol are already at the price of two poppy seed rolls. The tablet dissolves quickly to handle the problems and often does more harm than suspect many lay people.
What very few patients are aware of: Are pain killers ("analgesics") taken too often, they can themselves pain. One in ten patients suffering from headaches for this reason, in constant pain. Sounds almost cynical as the reference in the instructions for preparation of the popular Thomapyrin: "In prolonged high-dose, inappropriate use of painkillers can lead to headache, which may not be treated with increased doses of the drug "- but how can you distinguish a pain from the other?
head of the Kiel Pain Clinic, Hartmut Goebel: "I once calculated that is issued in Germany for painkillers from pharmacies than for bread at the bakery. Pain medication is no longer really the right word, it's food. "
fact, the Germans spend for prescription analgesics available year round 900 million euros from. 10 of the 20 most-counter medicines are pain relievers: aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, paracetamol and its combination products. Although stagnant sales of paracetamol, it rises from the Ibuprofen and diclofenac.
laity is perhaps known to cause stomach bleeding and can threaten aspirin at high doses of acetaminophen liver damage. But again and again, studies show that the-counter analgesics can be dangerous - even when used as package inserts.
until mid-January, the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine of the University Bern a meta-analysis of 31 studies on side effects of frequently used drugs submitted. Among them were the drugs diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen. The authors led by Peter Jüni have examined the risks of heart attack and stroke. In 11 429 patients, they found 554 heart attacks and 377 strokes. In British Medical Journal the researchers their findings presented with cold statistics and records full of trade-offs. On demand Jüni immediately apparent: "It is highly likely that the drugs increase the risk of heart attack or increase the stroke by a factor of two to four. This is significant "- particularly for older people with already damaged blood vessels can mean a danger.
A common preparation is lacking in the meta-analysis. It is the number two all in derfrei selling drugs (after a nasal spray): paracetamol . "The trouble is, it is not only a very dangerous substance, but it is a particularly harmless " says Kay Brune, a pharmacologist and toxicologist at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He referred to a study in the journal The Journal of the American Medical Association of U.S. physicians at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They had examined paracetamol young consumers and in 27 percent of the number of reversible liver damage found - although none had exceeded the approved dosage. Brune watching the news situation with concern: "There were an infinite number of individual and group reports that it also allowed dose leads to acute liver failure. "This applies even if someone has more than ten grams of paracetamol swallow at once, the amount available without a prescription. At the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, therefore, decided by the competent committee of experts that pharmacies may submit by April last year, only a maximum of ten grams of acetaminophen per package to customers without a prescription. One expert was Brune. He had called for five grams as the maximum limit - the three industry representatives on the board voted against it.
It is a paradox: Because acetaminophen - like aspirin - is derived from the early days of synthetic drugs, it went through only Tests that are active in comparison to the current approval procedures as a joke. So Peter Jüni found for paracetamol is not enough examination of the effects of adverse effects. This was already so because the patent protection is long expired and complex investigations are not expected for manufacturers. But has been running for decades, the test qua mass use.
Disturbing new evidence of potential dangers in the literature so far nothing changed in everyday use. Again and again in recent years appeared on the suspicion that paracetamol, while the pregnancy taken (or given directly to small children ), leads to asthma. "The available data justify a warning the public against taking non-critical," summarized research from Osnabrück in 2009 as the journal Current Allergy Asthma Report . And last November, a study from Aarhus in Denmark to over 47 000 newborn a relationship between the ingestion of paracetamol four weeks in the first six months of pregnancy and 980 cases of cryptorchidism. This may lead to infertility later in life. A similar result was a study from Denmark, Finland and France. income women who paracetamol and ibuprofen increased the risk by as much as seven times. Goebel pain doctor says he can now advise pregnant women not more paracetamol. In the treatment guidelines of the German Migraine and Headache Society, this is still recommended.
The number of critical studies and expert warnings is growing. Slow the pharmaceutical inspectors are sitting up. Shall consider the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), "together with the European Medicines Agency, the new" signals. The U.S. drug spending Heard FDA intends to allow the maximum amount of acetaminophen per tablet of 325 milligrams reduced. And the Federal Health Ministry in Berlin reports should "in" the foreseeable future prescription drug regulation in the light be changed to anti-inflammatory painkillers. The BfArM am submitting appropriate concepts in the coming weeks.
About Decades have established themselves aspirin, paracetamol and Co. as harmless everyday helpers. This has to the expectations of "pain-free, immediately! Out." A mistake by Hartmut Goebel. The survey Glass School Goebel found that up to 40 percent of all students in Schleswig-Holstein complained of headaches - and taking painkillers. "We have patients up to 30 Thomapyrin have taken on the day," says Hartmut Göbel. For a while, keep the body from the. Then make a side effects: depression, gastrointestinal disorders, liver problems. "Until then People with 35 or 40 years can no longer "

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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back pain

back pain homeopathic treatment
"Homeopathy is an effective treatment for chronic back pain suitable." For this result, a study of the Berlin Charité is headed by Prof. Claudia M. Witt (published in the Clinical Journal of Pain, 2009). Over a period of two years a total of 129 patients with predominantly chronic low back pain were treated. The scientific Analysis shows that the quality of life of patients significantly improved pain-stricken.