Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Toy Story 3rd Birthday Invitation

Soon the new planting season begins

The best time to plant perennials are spring and autumn because the plants are in the rest.

Ideal for perennials to plant in spring, before bud break. They are rooted Then with the start of a good growth and develop in the course of the spring quickly.

exceptions prove the rule, however. Peonies should however only be set in the fall. Excluded from the planting in the fall, however, all grasses and ferns, as they are not in the winter season rooting. The situation is similar with most Mediterranean subshrubs like lavender, rose and herb saint. Torch lilies and chrysanthemums should be planted in the spring.

If now begins the time of sowing, you can also sterilize garden soil itself. The soil through a sieve strip and 1 hour at 150 ° C in the oven. After that it is sterile and you do not be afraid of pests and plant diseases to have.


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