Thursday, February 24, 2011

Doujinshis Read Online

basis of a conceptual design

Read the whole thing just by - maybe you have quite different ideas and concepts. Perhaps there is one or another point on which we agree.

In joint meetings and joint weekend maybe you can try to do much of it in dealing with each other.

A family of choice takes a lot of opportunity to create relationships, build a lot of time and space to get to know and trust. Friendships are the most important part of a community. Therefore, to religion, sex, age, nationality and political attitudes play no part.

A common goal
We are aware of why we want to live together, a common Denominator, which all agree. No dogmas!

entry and exit are free and uncomplicated. No "competition". The decision came, I do, I stick to it, and how long, can only take each / r for themselves. The existing group can say, "Who wants us who has chosen what is good and welcome, if he go or she wants, it's OK.."

A project management serves as a method for the entire process, from finding community partners, about the organization of familiarization process to search for and building the collective and individual habitats.

are also intuitive and always asked good ideas, but also profound knowledge, organizational ability, skill, confidence, patience and unpaid time ....

common areas are the heart of every community. This must be enough space for all community needs to life, the everyday and the special.

individuality and privacy must be respected and be expressed in the premises. That is, Any adult needs a separate room, or even a flat.

Alternative: live in group homes. Larger communities will benefit if the immediate living together in small, self-selected group homes, from 5 - 8 adults takes place. A manageable group, common interests and rituals (eating together, meditating, a project) to create a more intimate affiliation and thus the necessary privacy and family security.

take the needs of the individuals seriously. "Something's Gotta Give" may be expressed and seen. Together, we then see how we can help to meet the need.

It benefits us to have confidence in the / the Individual / n, as he / she is, not too high expectations in his / her skills, respect for personal boundaries and privacy.

Everything is voluntary. Everyone is responsible for ensuring that he / she wants to do or not. Liability is a consequence of relationship and is not to obtain by rules.

core group
a sufficiently large number of mature, responsible adults who can even take good care of herself, her purpose in life have already been found and the full scoop. Only at this group can then be followed by other people

age mixing
children and old people need each other. And all the strong need in the middle age group.

fostering a loving, open attitude - a willingness to compromise, tolerance, understanding, peacefulness, serenity, joy in the meeting, readiness for conflict resolution, etc.

communication skills
Some of them should already have. The colors which on the other. If we practice mindful honesty with each other, we can get to know each other better. Everyone then has the chance to learn something.

meeting structures in which everyone can participate and feel heard. Topics to be prepared and then discussed by all. It has great significance for the finding of its own meaning in life, if you have a formative influence on the processes in the Community and MitschöpferIn "can be.

consensus on all decisions of which one is affected. Everyone always decides for itself in the interview, we gain understanding of other viewpoints and look for a solution. That sounds difficult, as long as you have not seen the specific sustainability of decisions where no one was left out. A bit of patience and trust in the wisdom of a larger group, are helpful.

willingness to confront conflict and as an opportunity to better understand and thus to use for further development. Constant feedback in direct human contact, regular reflection, supervision and, if required, conflict management when it burns.

courageous handling of taboo topics. What can not be discussed in an open ferment, under the carpet in front of him. Rather you should have a meeting on the topic than that you risk a couple of wonderful people from the group to ! Lose

Each community develops their own rules if they need any. These must be adapted flexibly to any changes and were eliminated in again when they serve no more.

men and women need the opportunity to connect back again and again in their own gender group. It deepens the understanding of identity, and this respect arises for the opposite sex. Feelings and thoughts can be expressed more easily and leveled when they first were allowed to appear in the protection of their own gender group.

community-building rituals, such as common meals, celebrations of life stages, seasonal festivals, joint activities. Rituals provide the opportunity to meet in an unusual context and get to know on a deeper level, even better. do

Working together
have something in common. This will strengthen the common identity and allows us to get to know each other better. It promotes confidence and joy. Sense of achievement as well as disappointments be enriching for all.

openness to the environment
Embed the neighborhood and the relevant partners. Public relations. Consider the culture grown in it as a "foreign body" "immigrating". Respect for the cultural and geographical space in which you want to find a home.

What also helps is an exchange of experience and / or an ongoing cooperation with other communities.


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