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Father Kneipp therapy

Father Kneipp
In the practice of medicine is indeed spoken of the "Kneipp" method, but the priest from Wörishofen, Sebastian Kneipp (1821-1897), did not invent the water therapy. It is as old as mankind.

But as Kneipp be healthy with water cures the sick, had been the healing powers of water again attention. Water is not a healing substance in the traditional sense, but a particularly powerful transmitters of heat and cold stimuli. One should really speak of a heat and cold therapy. On the skin temperature stimulus is applied that forces the body to respond.

Kneipp for little result, that the body can be tuned with cold showers, washing, full or partial baths and cold baths, and thus the self-healing powers are activated.

He moved into his treatments not only the water with one, but also in the fresh air, healthy food and medicinal plants. Kneipp saw the people as a whole, which was to arrange his life and lead a lifestyle in line with internal and external. Man should achieve unity of mind, body and soul.

Kneipp's approach is based on five pillars:

The Hydrotherapy uses water . The best known applications are Kneippgüsse and treading water.

The nutrition therapy is versatile whole food in the foreground.

When exercise therapy should be avoided constricting clothing. As an intense form of exercise and simple Abhärtungsmethode Kneipp recommended walking barefoot.

The Phytotherapy uses the possibilities of medicinal plants.

The Body Medicine Kneipp has a path to a conscious, health-sustaining lifestyle proposed.

Kneipp's medicine is based on the operating principle of a "stimulus response", that is, those natural reactions of the body are used therapeutically, can be stimulated with the above-mentioned methods. The Kneipp therapy can or should be combined with other medical procedures. Thus, understanding the Kneipp medicine not as opposed to academic medicine, but as a supplement to it.

Kneipp Kur
Hydrotherapy is a medical procedure that is performed usually over a time period of three to four weeks in a recognized Kneipp health resort. It includes the elements named after Sebastian Kneipp Kneipp Medicine, represented by the Kneipp Medical Association and for the prevention or treatment of existing diseases.

The Kneipp therapy is effective in circulatory disorders, cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal complaints, rheumatism, sleep disorders and metabolic disorders. Some of the applications that will be used in clinics and spas, can perform at home. These include fonts, Sitz baths, washes, baths and wraps. Bath with a shower facility suitable for a home therapy is best.

Some basic elements of a Hydrotherapy can also be performed independently, such as walking barefoot in the shallow water (treading water), in dewy meadows (Tautreten) or in the snow (snow walking).

photo and text source: partially Wikipedia


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