Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Chinese medicine

TCM shop Hong Kong
The foundation and the philosophy that underlies the Chinese medicine is, for us people in the western world have grown up, difficult to understand, especially since they are totally different from our Western way of thinking and different methods of healing. The Chinese medical theory assumes that all matter in the cosmos, including celestial bodies, and people from a common source, the Tao is. From this source come the two opposing forces or poles: Yin and Yang.

Yin is passive, dark and feminine and Yang is active, bright and masculine. Yin and Yang are in constant change and no one can not give the other. This is called the perpetual interplay between the two forces creates the life force Qi. If the balance between Yin and Yang in the body of a man disturbed, changes the life force and can cause a blockage, the person becomes ill. The imbalance can also result from environmental toxins, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, plenty of rest and sleep, emotional problems, etc.. The aim of Chinese medicine is to maintain a balance between Yin and Yang recover by allowing the qi to flow smoothly and thus did enable the people to heal themselves.

The bodies of a man will be assigned according to Chinese medicine's five elements. The five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. The relationship of these elements correspond to the reality of their relationship to each other, ie, wood burning and produces fire, fire creates ash, thus there is earth. Earth produces metal, metal melting, when heated, so the element of water is produced. Water promotes the growth of plants and this generates wood. The five elements manifest themselves according to the Chinese Medicine in the human body through its connection to five organ pairs. Thus, the heart rules the fire, the liver of the wood, the kidneys from the water, the pancreas and the lungs of the earth from the metal.

The Chinese medicine is based primarily on three methods: 1 Medicinal herbs are administered for relief of disharmony. 2. Due to certain acupuncture points of entrance along the meridians to the flow of Qi are encouraged, including acupressure or pressure point massage of points on the meridians is pursuing that goal. 3. In the field of nutrition is the fundamental Taoist principle of balance between Yin and Yang for use by the harmonization brought about by food is.

Photo source: Wikipedia - Mailer diablo


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