Saturday, February 12, 2011

When To Send Super Bowl Invite

harmless Not: & Paracetamol Co.

Pain treatment is a success story of homeopathy. It is found, pain seriously. The intake of analgesics may seem easier, faster and cheaper method, but it often comes at the expense of health. In my practice I see many good experiences in the homeopathic treatment of Back pain and migraine in adults and teeth of pain in babies and young children.

An article by Harro Albrecht, published in Die Zeit on 02.10.2011, reduced and reproduced here in part. Emphasis added.

pain, to let

The Germans swallow masses of painkillers. Even at normal doses, tablets can be dangerous.
Nearly 70 percent of women and more than 50 percent of men are afflicted in the course of a year of headaches. Similar spreads are back pain, cause about 15 percent of all disability days - it already holds a health report of the Federal Government Composed of the year 2002. Pain is a mass phenomenon - and they are also usually covered: carefree and often without consulting a doctor. Half a dozen drugs for pain-free sale. A pack of paracetamol are already at the price of two poppy seed rolls. The tablet dissolves quickly to handle the problems and often does more harm than suspect many lay people.
What very few patients are aware of: Are pain killers ("analgesics") taken too often, they can themselves pain. One in ten patients suffering from headaches for this reason, in constant pain. Sounds almost cynical as the reference in the instructions for preparation of the popular Thomapyrin: "In prolonged high-dose, inappropriate use of painkillers can lead to headache, which may not be treated with increased doses of the drug "- but how can you distinguish a pain from the other?
head of the Kiel Pain Clinic, Hartmut Goebel: "I once calculated that is issued in Germany for painkillers from pharmacies than for bread at the bakery. Pain medication is no longer really the right word, it's food. "
fact, the Germans spend for prescription analgesics available year round 900 million euros from. 10 of the 20 most-counter medicines are pain relievers: aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, paracetamol and its combination products. Although stagnant sales of paracetamol, it rises from the Ibuprofen and diclofenac.
laity is perhaps known to cause stomach bleeding and can threaten aspirin at high doses of acetaminophen liver damage. But again and again, studies show that the-counter analgesics can be dangerous - even when used as package inserts.
until mid-January, the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine of the University Bern a meta-analysis of 31 studies on side effects of frequently used drugs submitted. Among them were the drugs diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen. The authors led by Peter Jüni have examined the risks of heart attack and stroke. In 11 429 patients, they found 554 heart attacks and 377 strokes. In British Medical Journal the researchers their findings presented with cold statistics and records full of trade-offs. On demand Jüni immediately apparent: "It is highly likely that the drugs increase the risk of heart attack or increase the stroke by a factor of two to four. This is significant "- particularly for older people with already damaged blood vessels can mean a danger.
A common preparation is lacking in the meta-analysis. It is the number two all in derfrei selling drugs (after a nasal spray): paracetamol . "The trouble is, it is not only a very dangerous substance, but it is a particularly harmless " says Kay Brune, a pharmacologist and toxicologist at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He referred to a study in the journal The Journal of the American Medical Association of U.S. physicians at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They had examined paracetamol young consumers and in 27 percent of the number of reversible liver damage found - although none had exceeded the approved dosage. Brune watching the news situation with concern: "There were an infinite number of individual and group reports that it also allowed dose leads to acute liver failure. "This applies even if someone has more than ten grams of paracetamol swallow at once, the amount available without a prescription. At the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, therefore, decided by the competent committee of experts that pharmacies may submit by April last year, only a maximum of ten grams of acetaminophen per package to customers without a prescription. One expert was Brune. He had called for five grams as the maximum limit - the three industry representatives on the board voted against it.
It is a paradox: Because acetaminophen - like aspirin - is derived from the early days of synthetic drugs, it went through only Tests that are active in comparison to the current approval procedures as a joke. So Peter Jüni found for paracetamol is not enough examination of the effects of adverse effects. This was already so because the patent protection is long expired and complex investigations are not expected for manufacturers. But has been running for decades, the test qua mass use.
Disturbing new evidence of potential dangers in the literature so far nothing changed in everyday use. Again and again in recent years appeared on the suspicion that paracetamol, while the pregnancy taken (or given directly to small children ), leads to asthma. "The available data justify a warning the public against taking non-critical," summarized research from Osnabrück in 2009 as the journal Current Allergy Asthma Report . And last November, a study from Aarhus in Denmark to over 47 000 newborn a relationship between the ingestion of paracetamol four weeks in the first six months of pregnancy and 980 cases of cryptorchidism. This may lead to infertility later in life. A similar result was a study from Denmark, Finland and France. income women who paracetamol and ibuprofen increased the risk by as much as seven times. Goebel pain doctor says he can now advise pregnant women not more paracetamol. In the treatment guidelines of the German Migraine and Headache Society, this is still recommended.
The number of critical studies and expert warnings is growing. Slow the pharmaceutical inspectors are sitting up. Shall consider the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM), "together with the European Medicines Agency, the new" signals. The U.S. drug spending Heard FDA intends to allow the maximum amount of acetaminophen per tablet of 325 milligrams reduced. And the Federal Health Ministry in Berlin reports should "in" the foreseeable future prescription drug regulation in the light be changed to anti-inflammatory painkillers. The BfArM am submitting appropriate concepts in the coming weeks.
About Decades have established themselves aspirin, paracetamol and Co. as harmless everyday helpers. This has to the expectations of "pain-free, immediately! Out." A mistake by Hartmut Goebel. The survey Glass School Goebel found that up to 40 percent of all students in Schleswig-Holstein complained of headaches - and taking painkillers. "We have patients up to 30 Thomapyrin have taken on the day," says Hartmut Göbel. For a while, keep the body from the. Then make a side effects: depression, gastrointestinal disorders, liver problems. "Until then People with 35 or 40 years can no longer "


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