Friday, February 18, 2011

Ethernet Cables And Cold Weather

Medicine of Hildegard of Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen was in 1098 Born in Bermersheim at Alzey as the tenth child of Hildebert and Mechthild of Bermersheim and was present from birth as a "tithe" God ordained. When she was 8 years old, she was taken to the Countess Jutta von Sponheim in the hut on the Disibodenberg. There she received an education. This was that she was taught in the singing of Psalms and in the songs of David. From the Hermitage, a monastery, which presided Hildegard of Bingen from 1136, as abbess.

Since child had Hilda - who was weak and sickly from birth - visions. These were of course, they belonged to and their lives. Only when she was 15 years old, she realized that other people do not have that gift. From that time she said no more about it. When she was 43 years old, she received the order from God to write down their visions without comment. Since they do not write in Latin was a monk wrote of Disibodenberg that it was as secretary to provide down their visions.

was the year 1147 to 1149 held a synod in Trier, on the Pope Eugenius III. the gift of prophecy, confirmed by Hildegard von Bingen. He read from her work in person SCIVIAS participating cardinals, bishops and theologians. Thus, their gift of prophecy has been recognized by the highest authority. In the year 1147 the monastery had Rupertsberg into which they had moved further visions. The result were the works of "The Book of Life services" and "The Book of God's work". Around 1165, she founded the monastery Eibingen because the monastery is not on the Rupertsberg other nuns could take. On 17 Died September 1179 Hildegard von Bingen. In their hour of death miraculous signs were seen in the sky.

After Hildegard von Bingen, the cause of a disease are in the Fall in Paradise. The fall of man has changed the bodies of Adam and Eve radically

- in man juice and phlegm are
created - the bile has a crystal formed
- the gene was
changed - the man has his body supply now with food
- the feelings have changed, and anger Grief
finding their way - the nature (environment) has changed and exerts a harmful influence of
- the man turns away from God.

The Medicine of Hildegard of Bingen rests on four pillars. 1. Diet, 2 a proper diet, 3 Ausleitungsverfahren (blood-letting, cupping) 4 Fasting. Each of the four pillars has its measure - for the good of man. Fasting is a pointless as harmful as an exaggerated bleeding. Each person has to find its right level. The best and most universal food is according to Hildegard von Bingen spelled.

Photo source: Wikipedia - Robert Lechner


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